Well-being and Social Connection 71

October 25–29, 2021

Theme: Games of Life

Skill Building: Aging With Style and Wisdom

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Monday October 25, 2021

Today happens to be...Punk for a Day Day

Theme for the Month: The Games of LIfe

Skill for the Week: Aging with Style and Wisdom

Hope Program Updates

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Hope Learning Board representatives did some more brain storming. Check the updates page to review their ideas.

PRESENTERS: if you have members of the board in your group, let them tell the ideas and explain the page. 

Thematic Media

Aging Well - What people who age in good health can teach us

Thematic Activity

Review these tips for aging gracefully.


This poster

Body Break

LEAVE the SCREEN for at least 10 minutes and go move around in your space. Jump, dance, do push-ups, anything to get your body moving.

Skills Media

The positive parts of aging

Having a sense of humor about aging

Skills Information

Safety tips

Skills Applied

  1. What does aging mean to you?
  2. At what age do you think people are "old"?
  3. What do you admire about people you know who are older than you?
  4. What would you tell people you know who are younger than you? 
  5. What do you think will change about your life as you age?
  6. What will you be happy about as you age?

Body Break

Chair yoga for beginners

This week you will have the same yoga option for all 5 days. In Yoga it's considered important to do the same poses over again and get better and better at doing them. 

Funny Stuff

More funny songs about aging

What did we learn today?

Sequence the day—Help the group review what you explored together today.

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Today happens to be...Microneedling Day

Theme for the Month: The Games of LIfe

Skill for the Week: Aging with Style and Wisdom

Hope Program Updates

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Thematic Media

What is Age-ism?

Thematic Activity

  • In your group, find out the middle age of your group. 
  • Have the people who are older tell the people who are younger what they have to look forward to.
  • Have the younger people ask questions of the older people. 
  • Is age-ism only against older people, or do younger people experience it too?

Body Break

LEAVE the SCREEN for at least 10 minutes and go move around in your space. Jump, dance, do push-ups, anything to get your body moving.

Skills Media

Just like activism for people with disabilities, activism to stop ageism is important for a fair and civilized world. 

If a disability doesn't define you, neither should your age.

Skills Information

It's OK to have a sense of humor about the difficulties of aging, just like it's OK to have a sense of humor about a lot of things in life that are challenging. But we should be aware if we are  promoting wrong ideas about aging without realizing it. 

Review this list of things that are age-ist and raise your awarenes.

Every-day Ageism

Skills Applied

Do you have some of these ideas in your head? Do you think they are true? Can you consider the possibility that they might not be true? If you were much older than you are, how would you feel about some of the things in the list?

Body Break

Chair Yoga - same workout with focus

Fun Stuff

Older adults having way more fun that you...

What did we learn today?

Sequence the day—Help the group review what you explored together today.

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Today happens to be...Navy Day

Theme for the Month: The Games of LIfe

Skill for the Week: Aging with Style and Wisdom

Hope Program Updates

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Thematic Media

Social Connection and healthy aging

Thematic Activity

Review this self-assessment about your social connections. You don't have to complete the whole worksheet. In your group choose one or more sections and fill it out and talk about it.

Body Break

LEAVE the SCREEN for at least 10 minutes and go move around in your space. Jump, dance, do push-ups, anything to get your body moving.

Skills Media

Pets and aging healthfully

Skills Information

Health Benefits of pet ownership

Skills Applied

The video named some reasons people can't have pets, like rules in an apartment complex, the cost of pet care, older people might fall because of their pets, or other reasons. 

Can your group come up with some solutions to some of these problems? 

Here is one technology solution that is interesting. 

Body Break

Chair Yoga

Fun Stuff

Pets in the playgroundx

What did we learn today?

Sequence the day—Help the group review what you explored together today.

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Today happens to be..Animation Day

Theme for the Month: The Games of LIfe

Skill for the Week: Aging with Style and Wisdom

Hope Updates

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Thematic Media

This is a video that can direct a person to resources for legal protection. Watch the video together then look up the resource they recommend. 

National Center on Law & Elder Rights

Thematic Activity

Review and discuss the 1st page of this document on Elder Rights.

  • This document is from Australia. Do you think some of these points still make sense in the US?
  • What rights would you add to this list?
  • Are these the same rights that everyone should have? Or are some of them just for elder people? 
  • Can you think of rights that children should have that might be similar? 

Body Break

LEAVE the SCREEN for at least 10 minutes and go move around in your space. Jump, dance, do push-ups, anything to get your body moving.

Skills Media

Stories of aging gracefully

Skills Information

Advice from Centegenarians

(Centegenarians are people who are 100 or older)

Skills Applied

  1. If you live to be 100, which of the people in the video would you like to  be like?
  2. What advice that they gave made the most sense to you?
  3. Will you change anything about your attitude because of what they said?

Body Break

Chair Yoga

Fun Stuff

AGe your photo-you'll need to upload a small photo of yourself or someone in the group to make it work.

What did we learn today?

Sequence the day—Help the group review what you explored together today. 

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Knowledge & Fun

Friday, October 29, 2021

Today happens to be...Buunch of different stuff

Theme for the Month: The Games of LIfe

Skill for the Week: Aging with Style and Wisdom

Hope Program Updates

Share any program news.

Review the Week

Movie Time

Day of the Dead is right around the corner, check out the short film "Dia De Los Muertos." Here

What did you think of the film?

How do you honor those that have passed?

Body Break

LEAVE the SCREEN for at least 10 minutes and go move around in your space. Jump, dance, do push-ups, anything to get your body moving.


1 HOUR 🎃 Halloween Mix 2021 🎃


What is the best dance you can make up to the hit song "Spooky Scary Skeletons?" 

Presenters: Warning, there is a minor flash sequence towards end of video. Evaluate to determine appropriateness for group.


Body Break

Chair Yoga


54 Delcious Halloween Treats 

Which treats would you try?

The 30 Best Halloween Candies of All Time 

What is your ULTIMATE favorite Halloween candy?

Which candy us your LEAST favorite?


How to draw a pumpkin!- Video

PRESENTERS:  You can practice as a group using the white board OR have particiants collect materials from around the house. 

Halloween safety Tips 

How do you keep yourself/others safe during the Halloween season?

Sequence the Week—Help the group review what you explored together over the last week. 

What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon?

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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