Knowledge & Fun With Friends
Check-In with everyone
Hello everyone.
*High Priority Vocabulary handout
The instructions say to fill in a direction word then give the card to a friend to solve. Have one person suggest a direction word for the card and spell it or have someone else spell it. Add the word to the card in shared view if you like.
NOW switch it up!
PRESENTERS: you'll be the one who has to follow the direction using the annotation tool in shared view. Do some correctly and others incorrectly. Compare your output to the work of anyone doing the worksheet along at home. The group decides if you did it right or wrong.
Show & Share - Luck, Money and Bets
Sometimes people like to gamble as a form of entertainment. Gambling, or placing bets, with money can be dangerous. Sometimes people get carried away with gambling and ruin their finances. People also bet with things that aren't money. Let's talk about the differences.
- Have you ever gone to a casino and played the games? Where? Did you win or lose?
- If you have made personal bets with friends what did you use for your bet? Was it money? Favors? Pranks?
- If you lose in a casino, can you decide not to pay up? What about if you lose to a friend?
- In adult life we have freedoms when we accept the responsibilities that go with them. If we enjoy gambling as a form of entertainment we have to be responsible about it. If a person wanted to gamble for a little while in a casino, what would be a responsible way to make sure they don't get carried away and spend too much money?
- For people who have gone to a casino, what does the casino do to get people to spend more and more of their money?
Next week's Show & Share theme is Me, Myself and I where you'll start using some new tools to help everyone understand each other better.
<Body Break> Make your body happy
Life Skills Stories
Who doesn't love a vacation, even if it's imaginary! Review this *Life Skills Activity Handout together and use internet searching to find information to fill in the boxes, or rely on the knowledge in your group.
PRESENTERS: You can do this activity with the handout as the visual focus OR just use it to review the prompt/question in each box and provide a reading practice opportunity, then close screen sharing and discuss the prompt as a group.
Thematic Connection: Fun in the Time of Covid
Stuck in a rut? Doing the same things every day? Let's change that! We are going to use today to "plant" surprises and giggles in our world to enjoy in the immediate future.
Choose the ones that appeal to you. You can try them or come up with your own ideas. The whole point is to add VARIETY to your experience.
Planting Affection for our Friends
Friendship is the greatest gift we give and the greatest gift we get. Let's "plant" some surprise affection for our friends.
- Go get a sheet of paper and something to write with
- Think of someone who lives in your house, or visits you regularly.
- Draw a picture or write a message, or both, to that person. Make it happy, silly, funny. Here are some ideas: draw a picture of a hug, write a poem thanking them for being your friend, draw a picture of a present and sign your name, draw a picture of things that come in pairs, like shoes, book ends then label one "YOU" and the other "ME"- you get the idea, be creative
- Fold that sheet of paper very small.
- Find a place to hide your message where they will find it later. If it's a roommate or family member, hide it in a place they go every day, like a dresser drawer, a pocket in their favorite jacket, or even tape it to their toothbrush. If it's someone who visits you all the time, wait until they visit and leave it on their chair or on their plate if you eat together.
Plant a Surprise for Your Mouth!
If you do the shopping for yourself this one is easy. If someone else does the shopping they'll have to agree to help you.
- Look at all the regular groceries you buy each week.
- Decide, or ask the shopper person in your life, to buy a few things you've never, ever tried before.
- Examples:
choose some produce looks unusal. Here are some interesting items
you can try that are seasonally available in a grocery store.
- Look in ETHNIC foods
and buy from a culture different from yours. If you are used to Asian flavors, check out Middle Eastern items or brands. If you like Mexican food, experiment with Jewish items. Look for packages that have a foreign language on them.
- Most fun of all are desserts and snacks section. Lots of very fancy delicacies are desserts and really wake up your mouth. You can find them in the snacks or candy section, frozen foods, or even deli items. Try something IMPORTED (that means it comes from a different country)
<Body Break> Stand up or sit up tall and learn this song together. We sing better when we're standing tall. Move to the rhythm.
Song of Friendship
Plant a Surprise for Your Ears
- If you use an alarm clock, try switching to a radio station you NEVER normally listen to and get woken up to people or music you aren't used to. It will really get your attention, especially if you forget that you changed it.
- If you haven't listened to the radio in a long time, try it again. If you do listen to the radio, choose a new station, maybe in a different language. The Bay Areas has communities of every language and many have their own stations.
- If you are into YouTube, next time try changing to YouTube from a different country. Do a search for YouTube from _____________ and put in any country. Click that link to watch videos from a whole different place.
Plant Some Laughter
Laughter Yoga is a real thing. Do you know that even if you don't laugh for real you get health benefits just PRETENDING to laugh?! Check out this Laughter Session and do it together
Plant a Surprise for Everyone's Eyes
Make a centerpiece for a table in your house. Flowers aren't the only way to make a centerpiece. You can use things from your garden, collections you have, even everyday objects like drinking glasses, toys, books or CONDIMENTS (salt, pepper, ketchup, mustard, soy sauce...)
- Find a large plate, a shallow bowl, or a small tray.
- Get the items you will arrange - rocks, plants, food, containers, jewelry, collectibles, just about anything you think is interesting looking.
- If you have some ribbon for wrapping gifts in the house, get that too. If you have some pretty cloth napkins or a scarf you like, you can use them too.
- Arrange your objects in the plate or tray using these tips: Put fabric either as a lining for the plate/tray, or to curl around objects once you place them. Put the taller items together and arrange the smaller things either around them, or to just one side of them. Tie ribbons, if you use them, around the things you want people to notice.
all of these arrangements were art in museums
sample arrangement 01
sample arrangement 02
sample arrangement 03
sample arrangement 05
What Did We Learn Today?