Community & Civic Education 4

Thank you Shari (Central) for putting together these great tricks for presenters.
Bag of Tricks (PDF) Bag of Tricks (Word Document)
Thank you Trang (Central) for translating these for Vietnamese speaking Hopesters
Civic Duty Story - Vietnamese Speaking Up Story - Vietnamese

Community & Civic Education

Check-In with everyone

Hello! Todays theme is INDEPENDENCE! Who is the most independent person you know? What about them is so independent?

Warm Up Quiz for fun

Story Example

Read the story "Civic Doody" together and discuss. 


  1. What other ways do citizens have to keep public places clean?
  2. Why should we try to keep public places clean?
  3. What about noise? Can we be as loud as we want in public?
  4. Name some public places.
  5. What is the expected behavior for adults in those places? Is it different for little kids?

Body Break

<you know what to do!>

Show & Share

Do you have something that you are very proud of? Do you take extra special care of it? Show it to us and tell us about it.

Tomorrow's Show & Share is photos of yourself as a baby or kid, photos of your family, pets, roommates or friends. 


Living independently in the community means you have to accept certain responsbilities. What are your responsibilities as an adult citizen?

PRESENTERS: Guide participants toward voting, complying with the law, paying taxes when employed.


  1. Who pays to keep up local parks?
  2. How do special organizations like service clubs also improve our parks?
  3. Who joins these organizations?
  4. Do they get paid to do it? 
  5. What is unpaid work called?
  6. Where do you volunteer? 
  7. How do you feel about helping your community?
  8. Has a volunteer ever helped you?


Let's get an idea of what kinds of organizations are out there. LIST

Did you know that a lot of the money Hope gets comes from organizations like these? 

<Body Break>

You know what you need. Love that body.

Life Skills Connection

One thing service organizations rarely get is a thank you from individual citizens. What could you say in a thank you note to a service organization that has helped you and your community?  If you wanted to... 

  • You could call that organization and thank them on the phone -- anyone want to practice?
  • You could also tweet them a thank you if you use twitter
  • You can go to their facebook page and post a thank you. 

Apply Learning

There is a web page called that has groups, many of which do volunteer work in the community, and others are just people interested in the same things. Explore and see if anything looks fun to you.

<Body Break>

Go for it!

Game 2

Play Certain, Probable, Unlikely, Impossible

Learn to predict your chances of things. This takes brain power.

What Did We Learn Today

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