Community & Civic Education 8

Community & Civic Education

Check-In with everyone

Hello! Remember our theme! Contributing with JOY! Today we'll discuss fairness when contributing to group activities. 

High Priority Vocabulary

*Number words 

For book lovers AND number enthusiasts

Show & Share 

So what did you accomplished with a group of other people that you'd like us to know about?

Did you build something? Support a charity event? Have a big party? Start a club or organization? Raise awareness about an issue that is important to you? Get a difficult job or challenging project done at work? Introduce a new idea or opportunity to others?    

Tomorrow's Show & Share will be to share your keepsake or anchoring object for joy. An anchoring object is usually small and symbolic, like a stuffed animal, a piece of jewelry, a post-card, anything really, that powerfully reminds you of something that's important to you.  So what object is a powerful reminder of joy for you? 

<Body Break> 

Life Skills Story 3: 

PRESENTERS: If you didn't read the whole story through Monday, finish up today. Otherwise, prompt participants to do a recap before tackling the quiz.

Story Quiz

Review these questions to see how much of the story you remember and understand. 

<Body Break> 

Dining Out

Take a look at this *planning worksheet for visiting a restaurant.  The left side is about your order. The right side is about the whole experience of eating in a restaurant. To enjoy eating out, it helps to know what to expect in both of these areas.  

PRESENTERS: Go over the menu side, then do the questions below. Look at the Denny's menu together and discuss first and second choices.  Review the whole experience side of the link after people understand the idea of a "backup" choice when ordering. 

  1. Why is there a second choice in the order options?
  2. Is dessert ALWAYS part of every meal? 
  3. Are the main dish and side dish always separated or do they sometimes come together?

Practice with a Real Menu -- here is the menu at Denny's restaurant. Discus it together. How would you choose items to put on the planning sheet? What SECOND choices would be OK? 

Now go back and check the rest of the process for eating out. Which items seem difficult or confusing? Does it seem like the experience you have had when eating out? 

<Body Break>

Safety at the Table

A dining table can have a lot of potential safety hazards. Read the preventive tips below and decide what kinds of accidents or injuries they would help prevent.

  • Eat slowly and swallow each bite before taking the next
  • Keep glasses and cups away from the edge of the table
  • Ask people to pass items that are out of reach
  • Place your purses, coats, bags or other items in a visible place that is not under anyone's feet
  • When pouring from a pitcher or bottle use both hands
  • Quickly touch the side of plates or serving dishes before picking them up to pass or move
  • Put a napkin over your mouth and turn your face away from the table if you need to cough or sneeze

What other safety tips can you contribute about dining in a restaurant, or at home?

What did we learn today?

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