PCT & Safety 32

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Checkout the national day!

four ways to give genuine compliments

Yesterday was national compliment day. This day reminds us how powerful positive words are. Giving some one a compliment shows your appreciation and creates a positive culture online.

Check In - 5 mins

Hi, how was your weekend? Share something you did at home during the weekend.

Introduce The Week - 5 mins

Theme: Wrapping Up January 2021

Skill Builder: Getting ready to use our Portfolio Planners

Show & Share - 10 mins

Tell us about you weekend? WHat did you do in (or out of) the rain. Do you have any good pictures to share?

Tomorrow’s Show & Share: 

Have you ever taken part in a civic observance or taken part in an advocacy day? Share your story or photos from the event or date.

Body Break! Stretch, Drink Water, look away from the screen! - 5 mins

Thematic Activity 01 - 10 mins 

Can you find any projects, work, or activities you are proud of that you finished in this month or the month before that? Share what you've been doing.

It doesn't have to be just things from program. You can put in drawings, writing, leaves you've collected, photos you've printed. Anything you want to keep track of.  

Thematic Activity 02 - 10 mins

We need to PLAN for safety. 

  1. Do you know where your fire alarms are in your house? Fire alarms should be tested at least twice a year and the batteries replaced. 
  2. Can you find out when was the last time your fire alarms were tested in your home? 
  3. What month would be 6 months from the last test? 

Use this list of the months to COUNT

Now you know when you and your household need to check the fire alarms again.

PRESENTER NOTE: This exercise helps with generalization of the calendar concepts you have been teaching all month. The more times something shows up and is actionable, the better it will stick.

Body Break: Stretch, Drink Water look away from the screen - 5 Minutes

Work Space Safety - 10 mins 

Have you inspected your work space for safety recently? If you have what are some safety tips that you would like to share with the group? Let's Bain Storm! 

Presenter Note: Use the Annotate option/white board to track responses. 

Work Space Safety Tips: 

Working from home, we are more aware of our home surroundings. Safety is just as important at home as it is in program. We talked about electrical safety over the holidays and it's just as important in your home work area. 

Review the website 

Electrical Safety Tips at Home

Note the ways you can make your home work space electrically safe.

Presenters: Using the raise hand feature if it has been taught. State the first part of a safety tip from the article and call on someone to finish the tip. 

Take a poll. Pause at each frequency and count how many people plan to use that choice. 

  1. How often will you inspect your work area at home? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? Bi-monthly? 

What did we learn today? 



What are we doing this afternoon? 

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