Client Rights & Advocacy 53

Rights & Self Advocacy

Check In (5 min)

What is something you've enjoyed this week either in program or outside of program?

Show & Share (10-min)

Share an object around you that is gray. Describe the object to tbe team

Life Skills Worksheet

PRESENTERS: Complete the worksheet as a team.

Everyone makes mistakes when they buy things. Sometimes the item may be too big or too small or you get home and find something wrong with it. Today, let's complete a worksheet about how we can address any issues that we run into with things that we buy. Don't worry, this happens to everyone! 

Complete the **Addressing a problem with a Purchase Worksheet**

            <Body Break>

Welcome to my Room! Life Skills Questions

PRESENTERS: Review the Welcome to My Room Life Skills Stories questions. You have two sets to choose from, or you can do both. Answers at bottom of page. 

Review the life skills questions and discuss your answers with the team. Each question presents a different situation realted to the story. 

<Body Break>

Optional Level-Up:

Write up 1 answer to a life skills question from today's discussion that was new to you. How can you use this way to overcome a challenge in the future? Why did this answer stand out?


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 


Set 1: b, D, A, D, C, D

Set 2: A, A, D, B, C, B

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