Knowledge & Life Skills 5

Thank you Shari (Central) for putting together these great tricks for presenters.
Bag of Tricks (PDF) Bag of Tricks (Word Document)

Knowledge & Fun With Friends

Check-In with everyone

Todays theme is INDEPENDENCE! You've heard the saying "Home is where the heart is." Well today we'll be exploring how friendship and love give us that feeling of home, even if we don't live in a perfect place of our dreams. When we spend time with loved ones our lives are rich.

Entertaining Responsibly

Being around people we like and love, who like and love us, makes us happy and healthy. Sometimes, if we don't pay attention, we can become DEPENDENT on others to maintain relationships. Take this quiz to find out if you are good at keeping relationships active.

  1. How often do you call the people you consider friends to find out how THEY are doing?  a)twice a year  b) twice a month  c) once a week  d) daily
  2. Do you send cards or letters to friends in regular mail? a) yes   b) no  c) sometimes  d) only on birthdays and holidays
  3. If a friend hurts your feelings or upsets you you a) keep quiet and resent it  b) tell them off c) ask to talk and work it out together d) gossip about them to all your other friends
  4. When your friend makes a mistake or does something a little embarrassing do you a) laugh at them about it every chance you get  b) make up a nickname based on their mistake and call them that  c) laugh if they do and then forget about it  d) judge them and tell them they aren't as good as you thought
  5. When a friend calls you do you  a) talk mostly about the things that are bothering you  b) let them do all the talking since they called you  c) enjoy a conversation where you both share your lives  d) try to keep it as short as possible

Mostly A answers? you are just a little bit mean to your friend

Mostly B answers? you might want to think about your motivations and check the selfish part of your thinking

Mostly C answers? you are a good friend and your friendships will last

Mostly D answers?  you could be more thoughtful...

One way to show our friends we like their company is to invite them to do things with us. It's called entertaining. 

How Many? How Often?

  1. Do you like get togethers?
  2. What about virtual get togethers since we're sheltering in place?
  3. Have you ever been the host of a gathering?
  4. If so, what was it like? What was the occasion?
  5. What was the best social event you ever went to? What did you like about it? 
  6. What do you think is the perfect number of people for a fun event?
  7. If you could entertain whenever you wanted to, how often would you invite people to hang out with you?

<Body Break>

Show & Share

Today show us your card or board game. Tell us why you like it and how long you've been playing. 

Let's try and imagine how these games can be played in Zoom. Lots of games can still be played in Zoom even when we are in different places.  Can your game be played virtually? Here are some examples:

Card games would require everyone to have a copy of the deck. Here is how some card games could work. 

Old Maid, or Uno: Each person draws and shows the camera what they drew, then puts the card to the side. The next person draws from their deck and shows the camera what they drew in response. 

Trivia Games just need the leader to have a trivia deck and everyone else can answer the questions. The host could show the answers to the camera to verify the scoring.

Scattegories can be done with 1 host having the word cards, or each player having their own deck and taking turns being hosts.

Drawing and guessing can be done with the white board

Board games can be two teams with one captain on each team having a copy of the board, OR a host can position and move all the pieces on the board by taking direction from the other players.

Can you brainstorm with your team and see if it's possible to play any of the games you brought today in Zoom?

Next week's Monday Show and Share will be art work that you have made over the weekend. It can be a wonderful drawing of the party you'll plan at the end of this lesson, or a picture of your neighborhood, or a self-portrait. 

Social Distancing and Entertaining

We can't safely have a bunch of people over or go to restaurants right now, so we have to get creative. Here is a list of typical entertainments people like to host. How could you do them with social distancing?

  1. Dance party
  2. Dinner party
  3. Cocktail hour
  4. Game night
  5. Netflix binge party
  6. Trivia competition
  7. Cooking party
  8. Crafting party
  9. Holiday exchange
  10. Hiking outing
  11. Shopping excursion
  12. Getting a coffee together

<Body Break>

Planning a Social Distance “Gathering”

You are going to practice planning a gathering that is safe during social distancing. Here is a great tool to help you. If you got the home packet, check materials in there.

Virtual Gathering 01

Virtual Gathering 02

Work with presenters to plan a party. It can be for the people in your breakout room, or a pretend party for celebrities, superheroes, people from books, anything your imagination likes.

Optional Game: Buckin'ham Palace

Everyone go find a fancy hat in your house and come back to the meeting with your fancy hat on. Now everyone pretend to be guests at a very fancy party in Buckingham Palace. One of you can even pretend to be the Queen of England. The rule is you have to behave like you are at a party but you cannot laugh or giggle or crack a smile. Try to make your friends laugh but keep serious yourself. The person who lasts the longest without cracking up wins. 

Planning a Traditional Gathering

It's always nice to look forward to the times when things will be better. That's how we stay motivated for the future. So let's also plan a wonderful party for when the virus is over and we can enjoy time in person again. 

So imagine a grand occasion, like a major birthday, a wedding, or big anniversary and use this planning tool to inspire you to design an AMAZING party. Even imaginary parties can be fun. 

Look at this planning tool as a group and have a wild time brainstorming the ultimate party.  

When you're done, draw a picture of it 

What Did We Learn Today?

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