Knowledge & Life Skills 26

Knowledge and Fun With Friends

Check out the national day!

Check In (3-5 min) 

Theme of the week and Skill Builder 

Recap yesterday’s topics 


Show & Share (5-10 min)

What are your favorite holiday desserts? What flavors from the holidays do you look forward to? 

Next Week’s Show & Share 

Who is your favorite fictional character or imaginary character that is related to winter time? It can be a holiday character, a figure from a book, show, or story that you like, or even someone you made up. 

Covid Mitigation Moment

Wearing a CLOTH mask correctly. 

PRESENTERS: Use CTRL and the + key to enlarge the image. On a tablet or phone expand by dragging two fingers open over the image.

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Thematic Activity 01 (5-15 min)

Giving presents online can be hard. Unless we have the time and money to send gifts in the mail or by delivery, we have to get creative.
One nice gift to give is a performance. This is one song you can practice together and prepare to perform for your guests at the online parties at the end of the month. Or just for the fun of it. 

Thematic Activity 02 (5-10 min)

Putting hygge in my house – all over

Hygge is a feeling that we create by focusing on things that make us comfortable, safe and cared for. Here are things that can make your whole house feel good, no matter what room you are in. 

You can make it a mini competition. Choose one or two you can all do. Your presenters can say "GO!" and time it, and see who can get done the fastest. 

  • Do a quick clean up of all the surfaces and countertops in your home to make it tidy
  • Vaccuum all the main areas
  • Sweep your front porch
  • Play calming or cheerful music at a volume that people can talk over
  • If you have scented candles in the house, you can take the lids off of them and put them near entry doors. No need to light them. People will pick up the scent as they walk into the room.
  • Go choose some fall leaves, or winter greenery from the garden and put in on the mantle or book shelves
  • No fireplace? No problem. If you have netflix or youtube on your TV you can find a recorded fireplace and play a video fire on your TV.

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Skill Builder (10-15 min)

Let's wake up our senses by focusing our attention on just one thing at a time. Choose 2 or more items from the list and follow the steps your presenter reads to you. If you choose "sweets for the tongue," have everyone get a little bit of sugar on a plate, assuming they are allowed to eat sugar. 

PRESETNERS: Take your group through the following steps, using one or more of the links to focus sensory perception.

  1. Sit comfortably, close your eyes if you want
  2. Take 3 deep breaths, in and out.
  3. Take one really deep breath and hold it for 3 seconds
  4. Let it out slowly and completely.
  5. Breathe naturally 
  6. Notice your environment: sounds, lights, smells
  7. For step seven click on the item your group chose and focus on that really fully.
  • Music listen to the bells for a full minute or two. How is it different from listening to music? Did you feel any different?
  • Sweets for the tongue: put a little sugar on a plate, lick the end of your finger and pick up just a touch of sugar and put it on your tongue. Let it melt slowly. Really focus on that taste. What do you notice? Try it a second time. Is it more or less sweet?  
  • Sweets for the heart and soul: Think of someone you love very much. Imagine giving them the best gift they could ever ask for and then think of how lucky you are that you know them and they are in  your life. Open your eyes and share how that made you feel if you want to. 

Reindeer Games

Links to holiday themed games or provided games in the packets

Hidden Object Picture

Winter Trivia

Have AI guess your drawing in QuickDraw

What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon?


Item Link
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