Knowledge & Fun
Check In (5 min)
What is something that always makes you laugh? A movie? A youtube video? A joke?
Show & Share (10-min)
My favorite superhero (from any superhero universe!)
Who is your favorite superhero? What makes this superhero so special? Does this superhero have any powers? What are they?
Next week's Show & Share: a photo is worth 1,000 words.
Next week we are exploring biographies. Be ready to share a photo that says “1,000 words” and explains you to others.
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This Superheroe's Timeline (10-15 min)
PRESENTERS: Choose a superhero from any super hero universe and create a timeline as a team in their porfolio planners. No worksheet, however, you can use the whiteboard option to help brainstorm and everyone can follow along at home pen and paper.
Today we are going to take a look at the life of a superhero. First, let's identify one super hero that we'd like to create a life timeline for.
After the team figures out which superhero they'd like to explore together, go over the following questions:
Optional Level-Up:
Continue designing your custom superhero
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What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?