Well Being & Social Connection
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Check-In with everyone
Hello! How are you doing today? Who had a high fiber breakfast?
High Priority Vocabulary
This is a crossword puzzle using number words.
Show & Share
So do you have an emergency prearedness kit? They say that you should have a kit that will help you and your household be OK for 3 days. So for your personal 3-day kit, what have you got in there?
Who brought an empty backpack? Use these pictures to get ideas for what should go inside.
What items in a 72-hour survival kit need to be replaced regularly? Did you remember to include any medicines you usually take?
Each person requires different things to be OK for 3 days. Then the household will need a bigger kit for shared needs.
Tomorrow's Show & Share will be to bring a key to a lock that you use to keep things safe, secure and private. It can be the lock to your locker, your security box for your important documents, or a cupboard or drawer where you keep private things. If there is no key, just tell us what kind of container secures your important papers.
<Body Break>
Here are some *Life Skills Questions to review about this week's story. Answers are at the bottom of this page.
PRESENTERS: Remember you can CLICK on the document (mouse turns into a magnifier) to enlarge the text on the page.
Health Advocacy: Nevermind Food Groups
Who remembers learning about the food groups?
Did you know that science now shows us that food groups aren't the best way to choose healthful food to eat? WHAT?!!! SURPRISE! As science makes new discoveries, we adjust to use that new information in better ways.
The things that ACTUALLY make our food choices healthy are:
Today we'll learn about FIBER! You have probably heard a lot about protein, carbohydrates and fat and very little about fiber. Let's learn what it is.
PRESENTERS: Use the PRESENT button in the top right of the screen to full the view with the whole slide. Use the ESC key (upper left corner of your keyboard) to get out of the presenter view.
<Body Break>
Game: How Much Fiber?
Find the High Fiber Foods
Look at the *pictures of foods here. Which foods do you think have the highest fiber? For EXTRA health, which foods have fewer chemicals?
Presenters: the * means the link was included in the printed materials packet
What Did We Learn Today?
Life Skills Questions Answers
Set 1 answers: 1.B, 2.D, 3.A, 4.C, 5.C, 6.A