Well Being & Social Connection
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Check In (2-3 min)
Remind everyone Theme of the Week is Imagination and Real Life
Skill Builder is Presenting Info
Short recap of yesterday: characters in books and stories, maps and directions, expected behavior in certain places
Today happens to be Veteran’s Day (5-10 min)
A veteran is a person who at some time in the past served in the US military. There is a special group of veterans called Veterans of Foreign Wars who served their military time overseas in other countries. People currently in service are called Active Duty.
Veteran's Day Virtual Activities
Because of covid-19 most of the parades and ceremonies for Veterans Day have been canceled. Here are some virtual options. Choose the links you want to investigate as a group.
Show and Share (3-8 min)
Share people we know who are veterans. Tell us about veteran you know. They can be in your family or not. Feel free to share photos or introduce us to someone in your life who is a veteran.
Tomorrow's Show and Share: You favorite Celebrity
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Thematic Activity (5-10 min)
Heroes and History in Movies
History is real stories about real people. It's often so interesting that people make movies about it. There are different kinds of movies about historic events that have different levels of being real or imaginary.
Here are three previews of movies about American Wars. Using the *worksheet checklist, decide as a group which categoy fits each trailer.
PRESENTERS: You can customize which checklist items you discuss based on your group. For more experienced learners the distinctions are meaningful. For others it may be enough to just address the difference between fact and fiction and how those are presented in movies.
Trailer: Ken Burns' Movie about Viet Name (Documentary)
Trailer: Midway (WWII--drama)
Trailer: Jo Jo Rabbit (WWII--comedic)
What movies about history do you remember seeing? What category of movie were they?
Skill Builder 01 - Presenting Info (20-25 min)
Teaching Exercises
Safety Check
Review the animated GIFS of exercises below.
Each participant, or a pair choose an exercise to teach to the group. If you would rather teach a different exercise that you like that's great too.
PRESENTERS: Share the animations once more so each person or pair can see the exercise they are going to teach and practice it a few seconds.
Spotlight the person or pair teaching the exercise when it's their turn.
Watch the first minute or so of this video — an upbeat exercise instructor motivating people. When you teach, be encouraging.
Take your turn to teach the exercise. Don't rely on the GIF any more. Now it's your turn. Be positive and encouraging and tell people how great they are doing. Do each exercise for 8-10 repetitions.
What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?