Well Being and Social Connection
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
Black History Month
Learn about the Firsts in Sports this week!
Charile Sifford the first black goffer in the PGA find our more about him HERE
Today happens to be...
Check In (5 min)
Recap Yesterday (3 min)
Odd isn't necessarily bad, just different
Safety online means realizing the difference between a stranger online and a stranger in the real world.
Portfolio Planner (3-5-min)
Review your progress on your goals.
Anyone have to adjust their plan for the week? Reschedule an appointment? Add a to-do item?
Show & Share
What’s the best compliment you could get? What compliments do you like to give others?
Tomorrow's Show & Share: Who is the silliest super hero in your opinion? Why? Who is the most impressive superhero? Why?
Thematic Activity 01 (5-10 min)
PRESENTERS: Share the video and discuss best friends
Best Friends According to Kids
<Body Break>
Thematic Activity 02 (10-15 min)
PRESENTERS: Use the worksheets at home to cut up choices of food and identify what would make a healthy plate. Show participants how people share their food choices in social media.
Building a healthy plate is important. Let's do this exercise and see if you would have a social-media worthy dish to photograph.
Cut up the squares of meal options*
Choose the ones that make up a healthy plate* and put them in the order you like
<Body Break>
Skill Builder (5-10 min)
Your best friend has to start making healthier food choices or her doctor says she'll be having a heart attack or stroke very soon. She has asked you to follow her on InstaGram and make sure that the meals she is eating reflect a healthier pattern.
How can you respond KINDLY to the following meal choices to encourage her when she's doing well and inspire her when she makes a less healthful choice?
PRESENTERS: together, look at each picture of a meal and decide on a kind, encouraging post to help our friend. Remember to describe the images out loud to everyone, or ask someone in the group to help with that.
Survival Language (5-10 min)
Can you choose the right version of each pair of homonyms to write a logical email?
Optional Level-Up
Choose the questions your group would like to tackle for reviewing the life skills story
What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?