Community & Civic Education
What is a neighborhood? It's not a city. It's not a county. It's not a block. Yet we still talk about neighborhoods and know what we mean when we say that word.
Click on a city or town. Which neighborhood is your home? Tell everyone about YOUR neighborhood.
Salinas (scroll down for list)
Seaside (map, CTRL and + to zoom in)
<Movement break!>
Cities and Towns Discussion
Cities and Towns Have Goals Too
Yesterday you discussed your own goals. Did you know cities and towns have goals too?
City Government
Where IS a city's government? _______ Hall
Another word for City Government is MUNICIPAL Government. Municipality means city.
PRESENTERS: ask people to name a city or two then look up the city hall addresses or use the list above.
<body break - stretch, drink, jump around>
City government can have a lot of different offices and services. Look at the basic organization of a city government.
Songs About Cities - Take a singing break
Cities Choose Goals
Cities have problems. Sometimes the people at City Hall know about them. Other times they don't. Residents of the city can bring their problems to the City Council.
YOU are a resident. You could bring your concerns to the City Council.
What problems do you notice that your city should try to solve? Anything in these areas?
GAME BREAK!! Name that City!
How Do You Tell the City?
Just like your goals can be about improving things, cleaning up, using your money or your things more carefully, learning new things, or completing projects, the city makes goals about similar concerns.
Pretend your group is a city council. PRESENTER: choose or invent a city problem to discuss. Everyoun can talk about how the problem can be solved for a few minutes. After a few minutes put the solution you came up with to a vote.
Answers to Name that City
01 -Rio De Janero, Brazil 02 -San Francisco, 03 - Las Vegas 04 - Los Angeles 05 -Sydney, Australia