Knowledge & Fun With Friends
Check-In with everyone
Branching out to some new words. Fill the blanks with the word and read the statements.
OPTIONAL Level Up Challenge
Box 1: Come to ________
For each location, decide if you need the word "the" before the location, or not.
Box 2: Did
Make each sentence into a question
Show & Share — Who in your personal life makes you laugh? How do they do it? How do you make other people laugh?
Trivia: Did you know that Chimpanzees can tickle themselves? They do it to entertain themselves.
Next week's Show & Share Theme is GAMES!! Bring your favorite card game to share with us. We share work-appropriate things in this space. No CAH or other strictly adult content.
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Check your voter registration status on this page. Click on the icon with the "i" -- PRESENTERS: if you have Spanish speakers show the Spanish links on the right navy blue box.
*Life Skills Story Activity Sheet
This one is challenging. Use the information at the top of the sheet to answer the questions at the bottom.
PRESENTERS: Don't forget you can enlarge view by clicking the magnifier or using CTRL key and + key.
Thematic Connection — Voice and Choice
Here are those topics from Wednesday with an activity you can do for each one. You can also just discuss the topic, or come up with your own way of learning more about it.
What Did We Learn Today?