Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
Introduce the Theme and Skill for the Week
So the August theme is still COLLABORATING. It means we work together, especially when we need to ADAPT to change. We've looked at learning about ourselves and learning about others.
This week the skill is OFFERING STRENGTHS.
When we come together to collaborate, and we have good self-knowledge, we can offer the group our strongest traits and skills to help. If everyone brings their strengths to the game that's a winning team!
Thematic Media
Knowing your strengths can make you happy!
Do you like the tips for figuring out your strengths?
Thematic Activity
PRESENTERS: Help participants evaluate if the exercise is DOABLE for them and offer a different option if it isn't
Skills Media
We talk about safety on Mondays a lot. Usually we mean physical safety. But there is also social safety. Social safety is when we feel comfortable and included in a group of people. We know we can be open and ourselves and we will be treated well.
Strength of character is part of social safety. When a group of people have the strengths of honesty, kindness, generosity, opennes, and gratitude, everyone in the group can feel safe.
When we find weakness in character: dishonesty, selfishness, bullying, we feel unsafe. When people feel unsafe they behave differently and don't really collaborate very well. Social safety is very important for collaboration to work.
Think about your character strengths. Do you make your peers and co-workers feel safe by having a strong character? Do you feel safe with others who have character strength?
Skills Information
Skills Applied
Choose 5-8 strengths from the chart and figure out what aspect of that strength COULD be called a weakness in a certain situation but actually is just the other side of a strength in a different situation. Imagine which situations make a strength a weakness and vice-versa.
EXAMPLE: Honesty is a strength but if you are honest in situations where you need to be mindful of hurting people's feelings you might be called blunt. Bluntness is usually considered a weakness.
PRESENTERS: Help participants evaluate if the exercise is DOABLE for them and offer a different option if it isn't
Fun Stuff
Weird Japanese Gameshow from the 90's with nonsense subtitles
Sequence the Hour