Client Rights & Advocacy 47

Rights & Self Advocacy

Check In (5 min)

What is one thing you've found interesting in program this week? What questions do you have about the topic?

Recap Yesterday (3 min)

Checking in and letting others know when/if we are stressed or overwhelmed can help our mental health. And why staying hydrated is important for our bodies.

Show & Share (10 min)

Your favorite water bottle or coffee mug. Share how you are staying hydrated at home. Do you have the same mug or water bottle that you always have? Do you have something new?

What is self-care? (10 min)

PRESENTERS: Use the printable to review ways to conduct self-care as a way to work through stress.

It is important for us to take time for ourselves each day to relax and reflect on things. This is a form of self-care. 

  • So what exactly is self-care? It is defined as "the practice of taking action to preserve or improve our health (Oxford Languages)
  • How would you define ways that you practice taking care of yourself?
  • Share one way you practice self-care, even if you just learned it today. This could be playing video games, going for a walk, drinking tea, listening to your favorite music... the possibilities are endless and everyone's self-care practices are different and unique to themselves.
  • Usind the **Self-Care Ideas Worksheet**Describe one way you can practice self-care in your planner portfolio. 


 <Body Break>

Life Skills Story Worksheet: Being Tactful (5 min):

PRESENTERS: Complete the life skills story worksheet as a team. Have participants share answers once the worksheet is completed.

Complete the worksheet **Being Tactful** in your thursday printable. Do you know what the work tactful means? If not have someone do search on Share your answers with the rest of the team once you complete the worksheet. Which response was your favorite?

              <Body Break>

Creating a self-care plan (10 min):

Presenters: Review thge first activity today to help participants build a self care plan in their portfolio planners. Use the printable **Self-Care Ideas** to guide the conversation.

In our first activity, what did we learn about self care?

  • It is unique to each person
  • We can practice self-care in a variety of ways
  • We define our own self-care practice.
  • Brainstorm ways in which you can practice self-care today. Tomorrow? Next week?
  • Using worksheet in planner portfolio, write, draw, describe, or doodle a one to three step self-care plan

Optional Level-Up: 

Create a montage of your self-care routine.


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

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