Community & Civic Education 18

Community & Civic Education


Check out the national day

October 19th is the last day to register to vote, so if you want to vote, make sure you’re registered before then! You can check your voter registration status and register to vote online.

High Priority Vocabulary 

Objective: Understand, read, and use six different common words: this, what, said, did, see, come. 

Look at * “Sports Stories.” You should have received a printed copy of this. This worksheet includes six micro-stories. (Do you know what “micro” means? What are some other words or phrases that include “micro”?) 

Presenters: Prompt participants to read and complete the worksheet on their own if they are able. Otherwise, read the first micro-story together (“A Race”) and then use the annotate tool to circle the word “this.” Then, give participants a couple minutes to complete the worksheet on their own. 

Once everyone has completed the worksheet, share your screen and ask for volunteers to read each story. Ask participants to use the annotate feature to circle the given word. 

After you’ve completed the worksheet, try to write your own micro-stories and then share them with your group. Bonus points if you can use one of the six given words in your story: this, what, said, did, see, come. 

Show & Share

If you could vote to improve one thing in your community, what would it be?

Tomorrow’s show and share: Pick anyone in the world to be your running mate for the presidency. Who would you pick? Why?

Body Break

You know what to do: take a screen break, move around, and drink some water! 

Life Skills Story: Job Shopping

Objective: Understand the life skills story for the week. (Reading comprehension)  

Presenters: If you didn’t read the whole story on Monday, finish reading it today. If you did finish it, prompt participants to recap the story’s main ideas before you do the quiz.  

Here are some questions that you may want to ask: Where do Hannah and Todd go? How is Todd acting silly? Where does Todd interview for a job? 

Take the * Story Quiz for this week’s story. You should have received a printed copy of the quiz.  

After you finish the quiz, check your answers. The quiz answers are listed at the bottom of this page. 

Body Break

You know what to do: take a screen break, move around, and drink some water! 

Thematic Connection: Exploring Situation-Appropriate Behavior

Objective: Categorize different types of behaviors as professional, silly, rude, private, respectful, etc. 

Last Tuesday, we practiced differentiating spaces, both real world and virtual. What is considered appropriate varies in different contexts. For example, we act differently at work and at home, and this carries over to our digital and virtual lives as well. When we attend online programming, we act differently than when we are on the phone with just one other friend. What is something you remember from our discussion last Tuesday? 

Today, we will stick with this theme and explore situation-appropriate behavior in more detail. In order to do this, let‘s first talk about different types or categories of speech and actions.  

Presenters: Open this slide show and share your screen: Categorizing Types of Speech and Actions. Use the slide show to help participants list examples of different types of behavior. You can also talk about when those types of behaviors would be appropriate. For example, after participants list silly behaviors, you can ask when it would be appropriate to be silly (or when it wouldn’t). 

After you’ve talked about different types of behavior, let’s practice categorizing different actions. How would you categorize the actions listed below? There are probably a few different ways to categorize each action!

When would it be appropriate to do those things? When would it not? 

In our Life Skills Story for this week, Todd talks in rhyme. Why does Hannah think that’s silly? If someone was talking in rhyme, would you take them seriously? When might it be appropriate to talk in rhyme? 

What did we learn today? 

Story Quiz Answers

  1. C: He talked in rhymes. 
  2. B: They were brother and sister. 
  3. C: get a job 
  4. A: contacts 
  5. C: image 
  6. A: water 
  7. C: Why didn’t you tell any rhymes? 
  8. A: at a friend’s house 
  9. C: Whether you are sitting or standing, your back should be straight. 

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