Knowledge & Fun With Friends
Check-In with everyone
Hello! Does anyone have any special plans for the week?
High Priority Vocabulary--GAME time!
Follow the instructions below and use the following link for the game. This is the *link to the digital handout.
PRESENTERS: Review the months with the group using the sheet. Show everyone the 3-letter abbreviation for January so that everyone understand what an abbreviation is. Then use the sheet as the score card for the game. You will be click-rolling digital dice (CLICK ON "THROW DICE") from the link for the players. See rules below.
If the game is too intricate for your group or patience, just roll the dice to decide which month to abbreviate. It gives addition and number/date correlation practice.
Game Rules
Show & Share
Team work is a key part of a lot of jobs. Most kinds of jobs can't be done without the work of others. When have you been on a work team? What did you like or dislike about it? What do you need from a teammate at work? What kind of teammate do you try to be?
Next weeks Show & Share talks will be about memberships in different things. We are all members of different groups, clubs, lists and organizations.
<Body Break>
Life Skills Story *Activity Sheet
This is a chance to learn about the different jobs and what the titles of the jobs mean. Follow the instructions on the activity sheet in shared view. People who have the sheet at home can follow along.
Here's the story link in case you need it.
Generalize It Option
Do you know the kinds of job titles we have a Hope? Take a look at our website and see.
What companies would you like to work for? Go to their websites and look at their job offers.
Take a look at the job types on a job search website like indeed.
<Body Break> make it fun!
Thematic Connection — PLAY!
Did you know that playing is actually important for your health, well being, and even your brain power? For real! Check out this video about the importance of PLAYING.
Sometimes we separate kid things from adult things. For example, you probably prefer that your clothes and possessions are designed for adults. But sometimes it's not so easy to figure out if we feel like adults or need to give in to our kid side a little. We all have some of the kid we used to be left inside. When we play or give in to acting silly sometimes we feel happy and joyful. Life gets fun and we enjoy being in the world. That doesn't mean we are not grown up.
So here are some games you can play in Zoom just to laugh and enjoy yourselves.
Speed Hunt
Everybody get ready to find an object. When the presenter shouts the name of the object you have 2 minutes to find it and bring it to the camera. If you can't find it you'll have to pretend to BE it in the next round.
PRESENTERS: Shout the names of super common household items like things in kitchen drawers, closets, or on coffee tables. You can lengthen or shorten the time depending on the mobility and agility of your participants.
This is a group zoom adaptation of No Smiling!
Each player will take a turn being the person in the focused view. The player has 45 seconds to make the group laugh. If no one laughs, the audience all get a point. If one person laughs the player wins and gets a point.
PRESENTERS: use this link for a countdown or watch a clock in your location
Freeze Dance
You know this. Just play the music and have everyone dance around, then hit pause and see who can't stop dancing. They're out. Start again.
But feel free to choose your own music.
You'll Never Believe This...
Lies usually start by trying to cover something up. For this game each player tries to make their part of the lie weirder and more ridiculous than the last person's. Each player has to tell the whole lie from the beginning without forgetting anyone else's piece. The first person who can't remember a piece breaks the round.
Staff start by asking a player "How did my favorite _______________ get broken?"
Player one answers by saying "You'll never believe this but a _________________ came and ______________ it with its___________.
Staff asks the next player, "Is that true?"
Player two has to repeat what player 1 said and add "and then a _______________ came and..."
Player three has to repeat both items and add their own, and so on.
Mad Libs
Try doing this one together. Mad Libs PDF
This weekend by joyful and kid-like. Find games to play and activities that make you forget the time and feel truly happy inside.
What Did We Learn Today?