Knowledge & Fun With Friends
Knowledge and Fun with Friends
Check-In with everyone
Voting in California
PRESENTERS: Check with your group about interest levels in learning about the people running for California state-level posts. Depending on the results, either explore this resource on the California candidates, or move on to the regularly scheduled content.
Election Resources
PRESENTERS: Please ask people NOT to tell us who they like or or dislike or what they intend to vote. We are not here to influence one another. Help your group recognize the privacy inherent in casting a ballot and the importance letting people choose for themselves.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! DO NOT give your opinions on ballot measures, candidates, or parties. We should not influence anyone. Our ONLY task is to point them and their support networks to resources and information, not to INTERPRET that information in any way.
Voter Guide PRESENTERS: Use the link to scroll to page 4 and go over the Voters Rights
PRESENTERS: This one can be spun to a Halloween theme.
If you like reading, fill in the page at home for yourself. If you want to work as a group, let's use the annotation tool to complete the worksheet. Now that you know the sentence, draw something that will be on the other side of the door...
Show & Share - What are some of your favorite TV shows where there is voting involved? (Ex. talent competitions)
Next Week's Show & Share: Seasons: Autumn—What's your favorite season? Who loves fall/autumn? What do you love about it?
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Life Skills Stories - (story text if needed)
Jokes are funny because they make us expect one thing, then give us something else. What is the “surprise” or switched expectation in these jokes?
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PRESENTERS: Look back at your group's decision from Wednesday and check in to see if everyone is still into their choice. If so, proceed to those topics. If not, find out what has changed, talk about how we change our minds sometimes, and choose a new topic, either from this list or something your group finds more interesting. (Try to resist the urge to give them your ideas for alternatives. Give everyone time to think so they can propose ideas independently.)
You Decided
Watch this video on how to properly use a credit card and discuss
Understanding Wants versus Needs
Todd’s hard drive crashed in his laptop. When he went to the mall with his sister, he bought a new hard drive. Todd knew it would take hours to install, but he knew how so he didn't pay to have it put in. Explain how Todd balanced his wants and needs.
Anticipating Consequences
Explain what could happen if, three months in a row, you use a credit card to buy about $500 worth of things you cannot afford.
Understanding Titles that Go with Names
Todd and Hannah ran into Dr. Matt Franks, Jr. What do the titles “Dr.” and “Jr.” mean? Give both the full words and their meanings.
Searching for Job Options
PRESENTERS: you can click on the double arrows on the ground to move forward and click the images of other locations on the sides to change to a different place in the mall. Click and drag to look around in 360 view.
What stores would you apply for? What kinds of jobs do you think they have?
Reading Arrows
Look at this map of a VTA route. There are dotted lines with arrows that have a number next to the arrow. What does it mean?
Interpreting Idioms
Say Todd said to Hannah, “I wonder if I should have taken that job. I don’t know if I will like it or not.” Would it make the more sense for Hannah to respond by saying “Go fly a kite” or “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”? Explain.
Reading Job Ads
Look at these retail jobs in San Jose. Answer these questions about them:
Exploring Situation-Appropriate Speech/Actions
Make a list of five situations where Todd’s rhyming jokes would NOT be appropriate.
Interviewing for a Job
When Todd asked about the job, Mr. Shan asked if he had time for an interview right then. Todd said he did have time and interviewed right then. Give an example of a reason why Todd might have said he could not interview right then.
Recognizing Proper Posture
People tend to look more alert and capable when they sit with good posture. Working with a partner, demonstrate good and bad sitting posture for an interview situation.
What Did We Learn Today?