Civics & Community Awareness
Read Across America Information
Check In (5 min)
What are you looking forward to accomplishing this week in your portfolio planner? OR are you reading or listening to any good books currently?
Recap Yesterday (3 min)
How did we use different evacuation plans to identify similarities and differences in the evactuation process depending on the natural disaster?
Show & Share (10-min)
The coolest building I have ever seen! Have you ever been to a place that had a building that left you speechless? The Eiffel Tower, Disneyland castle, or the bridge in Santa Cruz are all examples of buildings (or thing that were built).
Tomorrow's Show & Share: To celebrate World Wildlife day tomorrow, share your favorite wildlife. Animals, plants, anything from wildlife that is your favorite.
Life Skills Stories: Two Winners - Part 1
PRESENTERS: For March we will be revisit a life skills story we read a while back, AND chunking it into two seperate chunks to better dive into the story and explore the story questions and themes more. Click the links below to re-read the story and corresponding questions.
Two Winners Life Skills Story*
Remember that * means the pages were printed and sent home this week.
LSS Questions 1*
Since this is review, use the questions to practice noticing differences. Go to questions 3-6 and COMPARE the answer choices. They are very similar and only slightly different. Can you tell how?
Same for this set. Questions 4-6 have answer choices that vary only slightly. If they were VERY different the questions would be too easy.
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Building the Future: What is a City Planner? (10-15 min)
PRESENTERS: Use the link to answer the questions.
City planners have a big job for the community's they serve.
Let's SCAN the job description of a city planner
Answer these questions in your group:
Using Non-Traditional Measuring Devices(5-10 min)
PRESENTERS: Complete the worksheet 1-11 in the worksheet packet as a team.
Since we are practicing measuring all sorts of things in all sorts of ways this week, let's review ways to measure items using something other than a ruler.
Remember this worksheet*? Anyone use these alternate methods you learned about last year? What other ways have you INVENTED to measure things?
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Optional Level-Up
Find the city planner from your city and write a synopsis of their city planning background in your portfolio planner.
What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?