Community & Civic Education
Check In (2-3 min)
Remind everyone of the themes for the week: Pets and Loving Care
Short recap of yesterday: types of pets and owners, relationship map, examples of loving care and closeness
Thematic Activity 01 (10-15 min)
PRESENTERS: The people's budgets are per MONTH, but the pet costs calculator is ANNUAL costs. Be sure to go over the difference and explain dividing the annual cost into 12 for the monthly cost
<BODY BREAK> (5 min)
Show and Share (5-8 min)
A funny picture or video of animals, or tell a story or joke about an animal
Tomorrow’s Show and Share is your ACTUAL pet or a pet costume you, or your pet, has worn
Thematic Activity 01 (10-12 min)
Use these discussion questions about your own finances and lifestyle to think about what kind of pet you can afford.
Skill Builder Practice (10-15 min)
Optional Videos
Video explaining TUBERS (potatoes)
Video time lapse of bean planted
Video time lapse of sweet potato p lant
<BODY BREAK> (5 min)
Skill Builder: Plant Project (5-10 min)
For the Love of Growing Things
Get the materials you chose for your gardening project. You got * this instruction sheet at home
Use these instructions to do the projects. PRESENTERS: Click to enlarge the image of the instructions that were sent home.
Sweet Potato Instructions-visual
Share what you have when you finish. Tell us where in your house you'll place it. They say that if you talk to your plants they will grow better. You might even want to name your plant.
We are going to remember to check the water and progress of our plants over the next few weeks. Plants, just like people and pets, need loving care too.