Knowledge & Fun With Friends
Check-In with everyone
Work as a group or independently to fill in the blanks. Read the sentences.
LEVEL UP OPTIONS: Write the box word in the first blank, then think of other words for the next two blanks that still make sense and mean the same thing.
Have strong writers work independently and offer 2 new sentences for each word.
*Life Skills Stories Activity Sheet
Think of the last time you were really sick. Remember how delicate your tummy felt? Really remember that feeling. THEN look at the worksheet and rank the foods best to worst for helping someone getting well.
Show & Share PUMPKIN! Do you love it or hate it? Tell us what you think it tastes like. Have a favorite pumpkin tasty treat? Do you use pumpkin or winter squash in the food of your culture? Anyone like pumpkin that is SAVORY instead of SWEET.
Next week's Show & Share: Pumpkin CARVING! Ever carve a pumpkin? How'd you do it? What are some of your favorite pumpkin themes?
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If you are mailing in your ballot make sure and get it to the post office as soon as possible. If you wait unitl the deadline your ballot may not get there.
Thematic Connection
Halloween is going to be different this year. Our party will have to be online. To make it up to ourselves, let's start dancing early.
See if you can remember the Thriller dance moves by the zombies in the video. Did you know Paula Abdul was the main choreographer for that?
Skeleton Stretch Time
Stretch your skeleton. Try these yoga poses and move between them to help your bones feel the stretch.
UP UP AND OVER - take your time and don't go too far over to each side.
BEND FORWARD - Stand up slowly so you don't get dizzy
Humor - Check out these Halloween jokes
What Did We Learn Today?