Well Being & Social Connection
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Check-In with everyone
Greetings and Salutations! Let's hear "good morning" in 10 different languages.
Do you speak a non-English language? Can you say good morning in that? Teach one another.
PRESENTERS: an * means the file was included in the printed delivery for the week. The link goes to a digital version.
High Priority Vocabulary
Ready to give your brain some exercise? Use this *What Day? worksheet with the calendar on it to figure out when things will happen. In these days of ordering things we need online it's a great skill to be able to tell when something will finally arrive.
Show & Share
Can you share the skills you have learned on a job that you are most proud of? What have you learned on the job that you got so good at, you consider yourself an expert? How would you explain your expertise in an interview?
Tomorrow's Show & Share is all about your network of helpful people. Share how you keep track of all the different people you know and meet, and how you keep in touch with them.
<Body Break> MOVE MOVE MOVE...
* Life Skills Story Questions
There are so many life skills in this week's story. Look at these categories and CHOOSE SOME life skills your group wants to discuss.
Job Related Life Skills & Knowledge
Understanding Job Titles
Miss Tran, a high school teacher, will now become a college professor. Since the word “professor”also means “teacher,” why does Hannah say that it is like a promotion?
Social Skills
Writing on a Gift Tag
Imagine a gift tag the girls might include with the giant cupcake for Miss Tran. What do you think the girls could write on the gift tag ?
Adjusting Behavior for Different Situations
In the story, Hannah and Pearl rubbed flour on each other’s faces. The situations and attitudes made it OK. Explain a situation and an attitude where rubbing flour would not have been OK.
PRESENTERS: This one is subtle. Consider number of people in the group, formality of setting, and how well people know one another.
Practical Know-How
Choosing Cooking Methods
In the story, the frosting for the cupcake had to be boiled. Would you use a standard oven, microwave oven, burners, or grill to make the frosting? Explain.
Choosing Microwave Containers
Say you were going to use a microwave oven to make the frosting in the story. Describe the container you would use.
Recognizing Common Baking Ingredients
You know that Pearl used flour to make the cupcake. What other common baking ingredients do you think she probably used?
Life Hacks
Keeping an Ongoing Grocery List
In the story, Pearl told Hannah that she had used the last of the flour. Hannah took a break from what she was doing and wrote “flour” on the shopping list. Why was it important that Hannah write on the shopping list right then?
Real World Math
Using Counting Words
Counting words give a sense of a number, amount, or order. Some examples are third, triple, and most. Find the counting words in the story and decide what each one means.
Sizing Recipes
The frosting recipe called for a one-half cup of butter, one cup of cream cheese, two cups of powdered sugar, and one teaspoons of vanilla. Hannah said they needed to double the recipe. Create a recipe card that shows both the single batch and the double batch.
Measuring for a Recipe
Name common measurements in baking that these cups probably measure. Label them in annotation mode if you want. You can also look at this graphic for more info.
Thematic Connection: Health and Well Being
We've talked a lot about healthful food on Wednesdays. Now it's time to look at healthful BEHAVIOR.
Activity 1: What did you eat yesterday?
Fill out the *food diary in your packet by remembering what you ate yesterday.
PRESENTERS: depending on your group you may have people independently fill out their diaries then come together to share, or complete a fictitious one as a group, or have a volunteer, or yourself, be the subject of filling it out together.
Does the food diary reflect the healthy habits list you just looked at? What did you do that was healthy yesterday? Anything you want to be more careful about?
<BODY BREAK> Make it count!
Activity 2: Basic Healthful Eating
Review * this list of recommended habits. Brainstorm as a group to find 2 or more additional things that you know are healthy habits.
Activity 3: Your Healthy Habits Score
Now use your printout of the list and put a checkmark next to any of the habits you do. How many check marks did you have? Use this worksheet to find out your *Healthy Habits Score
Activity 4: Being a health ADVOCATE
Review * the Health Advocate worksheet with your group. Would you like to be a health advocate in your home and community? Why or why not?
Activity 5: Advocate or nag?
Sometimes people become such strong advocates for health they start to nag people. Instead of supporting, they become pushy. Eating healthfully is very important, but enjoying your life is healthy too. You are allowed to choose foods you like and treats are OK once in a while. In the situation below, how can you speak assertively to a peer who is taking health advocacy too far?
Imagine sitting in a lunch room at program and your peer starts criticizing your lunch, saying you should eat different things. They aren't being mean but they are also not respecting boundaries. How can you tell them they are being impolite without causing hurt feelings.
(Remember: Honest, Assertive, Kind, Open HAKO)
What Did We Learn Today?