Civics & Community Awareness
Black History Month
Yesterday we looked at the Harlem Renaissance. Today, let's look at one of the artists from that time: Langston Hughes. Here is a video about him and links to some of his famous poems:
Check In
Today happens to be...
Safer Internet Day! (2 min video)
Recap Yesterday (1 min)
Feeling SAFE in relationships
Saying NO to requests
Show & Share (10-min)
How did your parents, or grandparents meet?
Tomorrow's Show & Share: How do you feel when you meet new people?
Thematic Activity 01 (10-15 min)
PRESENTERS: This is an example of citizens speaking up against the exploitation of their communities-in this case a pipeline project. Guide participants to the idea that people can disagree but keep on talking. Disagreement is not the end of communication.
Listen to this man speak out against a project he believes is bad for his and other people's communities. See if he is ASSERTIVE or AGGRESSIVE in his way of talking.
Speaking up against a pipeline at a public meeting
PRESENTER NOTE: if volume is low, turn up the volume on your computer
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Skill Builder (5-10 min)
PRESENTERS: More difference between ASSERTIVE and AGGRESSIVE statements.
For each AGGRESSIVE statement, see if you can figure out an ASSERTIVE way to say it instead.
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Survival Math (5-10 min)
To alter a recipe to serve more or fewer people you need to do the math.
This recipe has 5 ingredients and serves 8 people as it is.
Optional Level-Up - Survival Math
Using the recipe above see if you can feed this weird dinner party of 20 people:
Start with 20 portions then add and subtract for each peculiar guest request and the host's leftovers.
Answer is at the bottom of the page in blue text.
What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?