Safety & Person-Centered Focus
PRESENTERS: an * (asterisk) will mean that link goes to a file that people should also have had delivered in their packets. Different programs and districts may make different decisions about what to send. You can lead the group through the online objects and have them follow along on paper at home as appropriate.
AMPLIFIER - Click to find out MORE
We've talked about self-advocacy. This week we are going to learn about an important resource to help us get our voice heard and our needs onto the agenda of the people who make policy.
The ANCOR Amplifier is your one-stop shop for taking action to support providers of services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. NEW! ANCOR's #ForgottenFaces campaign just launched to tell our federal government that they can no longer overlook people with I/DD and the essential providers on which they rely in its response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
High Priority Vocabulary
In each box circle the word that matches the direction.
PRESENTERS: Remember: CTRL and the + sign to zoom in, or clicking on the mouse that turns into a magnifier.
Show & Share is about MONEY this week.
Discuss budgets and look at tools for tracking your money. Here is a link about saving money when you earn very little.
<Body Break that means STEP AWAY FROM THE SCREEN FOR A FEW MINUTES... SERIOUSLY> Look away from the screen for 5 minutes, do some jumping jacks, walk around.
Life Skills Story **Hotel Treat**
The year after they get out of high school, four Montana girls go on vacation to Florida.
Read the entire story today or read half and finish it tomorrow.
PRESENTERS: Read aloud with your group, or have some readers help. When reading aloud exaggerate tone and emotion somewhat to increase engagement.
<Body Break that means STEP AWAY FROM THE SCREEN FOR A FEW MINUTES... SERIOUSLY> Drink some water, do some breathing exercises, use the restroom.
Thematic Connection: Pedestrian Safety
Head up, Phone Down
While we are out an about, we may not realize that looking down at our phones can put us a risk for injury. Now, we are all guilty of this, right? However, it’s always good to review safety tips to help us be on our A game all day-everyday!
1.Brainstorm with the White Board: What can happen if you are walking with your head down looking at your phone?
PRESENTERS: Use the white board option to type responses
Think of these situations:
2.Share: Based off of your brainstorm-Do you know of anyone who has been personally involved in an accident or dealt with an injury because they were walking with their head down while using a cell phone? Staff share some stories too!
3.Tips for a friend: What can you do to stay safe while walking in your community?
Read the tips below and add a few of your own tips:
Multitasking and Driving- Is it safe?
Since we are on the topic of safety, did you know that drivers on a cell phone can miss up to 50% of their driving environment? Before reading the Myth Versus Reality hand out, review a few things:
1.If you have a dictionary at home, go grab it! PRESENTERS: You can have a volunteer look up the meaning online too and share it with the group or go to this link and demonstrate looking up a word.
Define the Terms Below:
2.Now that you have reviewed a few words-Provide an example of each before moving on.
Together, go over the handout on **The Great Multi-Tasking Lie TOP
and The Great Multi-Tasking Lie BOTTOM
This focuses on the Myths of Multitasking and driving. If you received a copy that was sent home, follow along and volunteer to read.
3.Review: Which Myth Surprised you?
Bonus: Crossing Streets Safely Videos Rymes and Rythm
Pete's Street Smarts-Tips that Rhyme
(Presenter-Be Sure to click on the Captions button on the video)
Safely Crossing Streets with Captions
What Did We Learn Today?