Well-being and Social Connection 17

Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Check-In with everyone

**High Frequency Vocabulary

PRESENTERS: have participants follow along with their worksheet. Use your voice to emphasize the vocabulary word to increase recognition for learners. 

Top Half

Share screen and have someone read the word that is being found in each sentence. Give everyone time to find it in the sentence. Have someone in the group tell you what words are next to it. Use annotation to circle it then read the sentence aloud with emphasis on the high frequency word.

Bottom Half

As a group, make up a sentence that uses the word on the left.  Dictate the sentence for strong writers to add it on their sheets. You can also type it into the shared screen with the text annotation tool. 


Show & Share - Who is your favorite comedy actor or stand up comedian? When did you first realize you like that person? How would you describe their humor? Some types of humor are 

  • physical or slapstick, like falling down, or pies in the face
  • self-depracating - means the comic makes fun of themselves more than other things
  • improvisation or improv - people just make up funny sketches live without a script
  • Deadpan - the comedian or actor  stays serious which makes the funny stuff funnier 
  • Puns or "Dad" jokes - the multiple meanings of words are funny
  • Potty humor - make fun of human body functions

Tomorrow's Show & Share: What is your favorite funny movie or TV show? Can you act out or describe a funny scene for us? 


<Body Break> do some eye exercises on this break.  Go outside or by a window and open and close your eyes, roll them around, give them some real light and let them look at natural things instead of screens. 

Life Skills Stories - (story text if needed)


Discussion Questions Set 1

PRESENTERS: Choose 2-4 discussion questions you know would suit your group and remind them of the story. 

Teacher Tip: Use the active listening tool of repeating  someone's answers to them to confirm understanding AND support better verbal expression.  

Complete the activity below to choose some future life skills activities. 

The purpose of hope to home is to help everyone continue to develop our life and work skills.  We can use Life Skills Discussion questions to start using more voice and choice in program.

This week's story has all these discussion topics in it. Which would you like to discuss further? Learn about? Teach? Practice? Write down your choices for Friday's session. 

  • Identifying Realistic Job Possibilities
  • Asking for Help When Needed
  • Reading Abbreviations
  • Understanding Quantity Relationships
  • Ratios
  • Understanding Optical Illusions
  • Exploring Situation-Appropriate Speech/Actions
  • Reading Charts, Tables, and Graphs
  • Calculating Quantities
  • Understanding Sports Statistics
  • Scoring Sports
  • Getting Enough Sleep

<Body Break> 

Wellness - Love Your Tummy - Digestion

You can have your snack or drink with you as you learn about digestion. 

Look at *this diagram together. 

PRESENTERS: Remember you can CLICK on the document (mouse turns into a magnifier) to enlarge the text on the page.

Now check out this 3D model. 

PRESENTERS:  Click and drag on the model to move it around. Click the numbers to see specific parts identified. Float your mouse over the middle to make a bar appear with arrows you can click to go part by part in order. 


Digestion Words

Which of *these terms are new? Add them to your vocabulary.

Be Kind to Your Tum Tum

How many of *these tips have you been using since we first learned about fiber in July? 



What Did We Learn Today?

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