Knowledge & Life Skills 3

Daily Program Schedule down below

Knowledge & Fun With Friends

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

Because districts vary so widely in number of clients served, the time frames for sessions can be affected by how quickly moderators are able to set up breakout rooms. For learning purposes we attempt to give access to smaller group instruction earlier than later. The times below attempt to express that variation. Larger district meetings are taking the full morning hour. Same is true for afternoon sessions. 
  • District Wide Meeting 9-9:45 or 10 am depending on district
    • 9-9:10 moderator lets people in and assigns people to breakout rooms -- Greetings and Check Ins.
    • 9:10-9:20 Introduce the day, date, time, weather, Today in History
    • 9:20-9:35 Current Events - regional, national, world
    • 9:35-9:40 Bio break/Dance/Music
    • 9:40-9:45 Intro Theme of the Day -- Go to BREAKOUT Rooms
  • Breakout Room Sessions 9:45 or 10-11 am depending on district
    • Call attention to the theme of the day and check awareness
    • Review technology tolerance Strategies
    1. Technology just goes out sometimes.
    2. We stay calm and carry on
    3. Waiting patiently or trying again
    4. Asking for help
    • Check-in: Each person reports on themselves
    • Show and Share:  people who wish to can share something they want to show everyone

    Presenters work in a pattern, switching off. Keep focus on one subject for no more than 10 minutes. Then offer a change in activity/focus.

    1. Gain attention for the subject/idea

    2. Say what we will learn (objective)

    3. Show the resource and delivers the content

    4. Prompt individuals for response/action and give feedback

    5. Remind everyone what was just learned

    6. Open group feedback and review learning

    7. Prompt learners to say what they learned

    8. Ask learners for other contexts where learning can apply 

    Check with participants for what afternoon activities they want to explore. Note for assignment to breakouts in the afternoon. 

  • Community College Hour 11-12 noon

    Learners return to the main meeting area and are encouraged to 

    • Access the Adult Education meetings at the links to colleges on the Home page
    • Eat a healthful lunch
    • Move physically for health and well being
    • Take on the activity packet or other projects
    • Socialize with people in their physical locations
  • Noon Hour

    Learners return to the main meeting area and are encouraged to 

    • Eat a healthful lunch
    • Move physically for health and well being
    • Get off of screens for a while
    • Take on the activity packet or other projects
    • Socialize with people in their physical locations
  • Afternoon Choices 1-2:00 or 2:30 pm depending on the district

    Participants return to the  district meeting area at 1pm. 

    1. 1-1:25 or so moderator assigns breakout rooms based on configuration for the district - client choice should drive assignments however possible
    2. 1:25-2:30 Breakout rooms explore the topics participants are interested in. Examples include hobbies, academic subjects, interactive web resources, games, reading aloud, writing groups, show and share, discussion groups, self-advocacy skills, crafts, virtual tours and other activities, activity packet use and guidance, etc. 
  • Loose Gather, Gab 2:00 or 2:30 -3pm depending on district

    Participants will return to the main session from the breakout rooms or can extend breakout room time. In the main room facilitators/presenters can:

    • share a whiteboard to graffitti and give notes
    • talk with friends and Hope employees
    • ask about everyone's experience
    • discussions about learners taking over or offering sessions or topics
    • raffles, trivia, quizzes, games, awards, completion acknowledgements, birthdays, etc.

    Learning Services may record as a mechanism to collect feedback but will not publish.

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