Well-being and Social Connection 20

November Curriculum Outline

This is an OUTLINE, not the curriculum itself. It is intended to help you plan ahead. The actual curriculum and resources will be in the same tabbed format you have been using.

Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Check-In with everyone

This is a message from your peers about voting. Santa Cruz participants in from hope to home wanted to give their thoughts on participating in the election. Give your peers in Santa Cruz a shout out and think about what kinds of videos you'd like to make on from hope to home. 

You're going to proof read. That is a job where you read the things other people write and make sure all the spelling and punctuation is correct. Correct the mistakes on this week's 

*High Priority Vocabulary


Show & Share — What's a great Halloween costume that you've seen someone else wear?

Tomorrow's Show & Share: What's your favorite Halloween candy? What's a good amount of candy to eat?


<Body Break> Make your body happy 

Life Skills Stories 

PRESENTERS: Remember you can CLICK on the document (mouse turns into a magnifier) to enlarge the text on the page.

Discuss the questions that apply to YOUR life. Which skills do you have? Which skills would you like to practice? 

* Discussion Questions 1

* Discussion Questions 2


Thematic Connection: Bones Bones Bones!!! 

The perfect subject for Halloween! Your skeleton.

First, everyone make your skeleton dance. Whose skeleton has the best moves?

Use this Tik-Tok compilation for a beat.

Strong Bones and Weak Bones

Look at this * comparison of bones that are "POROUS" vs bones that are solid. Porous means filled with holes, like a sponge. Bones need some small holes to allow blood through but Bone disease makes those normal sized holes very big and makes bones break easily. 

BEFORE you go to the tips for prevention, you need to learn some NEW facts. Facts are things that are proven by science to be true. 

For years we have heard that milk is good for our bones because of CALCIUM, a mineral that is found in bones. But new information tells us it may not be true. 


Did you know that it is a FACT that in every country where people eat a lot of dairy calcium, there is a lot of bone disease? BUT in countries where they eat almost no milk or cheese, they  have almost no bone disease. 

This article explains that there is a scientifically shown link between eating animal products and having your bones get more porous and break more easily as you age. 

What do you think that might mean? Mark your sheet with a question mark next to the tip on calcium if this new information has made you question that advice. 

This is a great example of how science is supposed to work. When new information is found, science changes what it teaches us. That is important to do or else you will be stuck using information that is out of date. 

It will take more research to find out exactly what is going on but for now you might want to take it easy on that milk and cheese...

* tips for preventing Bone Disease

* foods to support bone health

What Did We Learn Today?

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