Community & Civic Education
Check-ins (2-3 min)
Remind everyone of the theme for the week:
Imagination and Real Life
And the Skill Building:
Presenting Info
Short recap of yesterday: heroes, about me, and safety knowledge sharing
Introduction (1 min)
Characters in Books & Movies
Today let’s talk about our favorite characters in books and in movies. Books and movies can be non-fiction, BASED on real life but partly changed, or fiction which means imaginary.
Theme Activity (10-15 min)
Discuss these questions.
Use these alternative movie lists by language if appropriate for your group
**Disclaimer-- these are results of searches, not curated lists -- if you have better, culturally relevant insight, please use it.
Look at *this list of names. Some are imaginary characters and others are real people.
PRESENTERS: Share the list and have people follow along if they got the sheet at home. As a group, assign a category to each name - the stamp tool is an easy way and more people can stamp at the same time. Not sure? Put a question mark.
OPTIONAL Theme Activity Elaboration (5-8 min)
Good writers and actors can make fictional characters seem almost like real people. Answer these questions about your favorite characters:
<Body Break>
Show and Share (5-10 min)
What is your favorite book? Can you show us a copy? What about the characters do you like?
Tomorrow's Show and Share is about any friend or relative you know who is a veteran of the US Military. If you want to bring a veteran as a guest tomorrow, that is great. Pictures are also nice to share.
Skill Builder 01 (10-15 min)
Using Maps and Directions
If you finish quickly, you can pick two new locations, choose a new annotator do it again. Notice that by giving directions and correcting errors you are communicating information to someone.
Skill Builder 02—Spin the Wheel (5-8 min)
Spin the wheel! This wheel lists different locations in the community that you might visit.
Identity 1-3 appropriate behavior expectations for each place.
What did we learn/practice today?
What are we doing this afternoon?