Civics & Community Awareness
Look at this black history playlist and choose 1 or more to watch and discuss.
Check In (3 min)
Recap Yesterday (2 min)
Show & Share (10-min)
Intimate relationships, like boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, or spouses are very special. Have you had, or do you have, any intimate relationships? Intimacy means a very close connection, a deeper love than friendship.
Healthy intimate relationships, whether they include physical expression of love or not, are "mutual." That means both people agree to everything that goes on between them. If we feel very close or attracted to someone, but they don't feel the same way, we can say we have a crush on them. But that person is NOT our partner or boyfriend or girlfriend.
Tomorrow's Show & Share: Heartache at the loss of friendship or love. Can you remember a time you had to say good-bye to a friend or loved one? Or, is there a movie or book that you love in which someone gets their heart broken? Tell us about your experience or the story you know.
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Thematic Activity 01 (5-10 min)
PRESENTERS: Review the job posting with the group. Have everyone share what they know about how to prepare for the interview. Then use the questions list to distinguish between professional relationships and other types of interpersonal connections.
Thematic Activity 02 (5-10 min)
PRESENTERS:Read the top half of the article with your group to get the main ideas. Discuss the prompts in your group so that everyone learns that residents of any city can contact the city council with questions or feedback.
Point out that phone calls, email, and writing letters to the editor of the newspaper are all ways to voice yourself.
Santa Cruz City Council moves housing project forward
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Survival Math (5-10 min)
Counting Back Change and Customer Service (2 min video)
Optional Level-Up (10-15 min)
Review your Life Skills Story
Complete the Story Quiz*
What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?