Client Rights and Advocacy 6

Self-Advocacy, Rights & Responsibilities

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Did you bring your key today? What does it lock? How do you feel when you have your valuables secure? Do you worry about the key itself? Is there a copy of your key somewhere? Some new security boxes don't even use keys. They have digital codes you memorize and enter on a key pad.  

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Life Skills Story 4: New Fish 

Take a look at these life skills questions based on this week's story. Discuss the ones that interest you.  Answers at the bottom of this page. 

PRESENTERS: When the mouse looks like a magnifier you can click on the image to make it fill the window for easier reading.  Otherwise, try the CTRL key held down while typing the + key. 


Living with Others - Negotiating Needs and Preferences

When we live with other people food choices can affect everybody. 

  1. What are some foods that smell great when they are cooking?
  2. What are some foods that smell bad when cooked?
  3. What are some foods that you don't want anywhere near you?
  4. What are some foods that you can't live without?

When we live with others we often have to negotiate when and what to cook. Imagine you are moving in with some new roommates. One of your roommates is on a special diet that requires a lot of fish and another one hates the smell of fish cooking and is a vegetarian. Pretend they ask you to help them solve the problem. What advice would you give them? 

Choose the phrases that sound assertive without being aggressive.

PRESENTERS: You can read with intonation to clarify which statements are more aggressive.

  1. I NEED to eat my fish every day, so you have to deal with it
  2. I understand that you don't like the smell of fish cooking, but my diet really does require it.
  3. As a vegetarian I think you're a monster for eating those poor little helpless fish.
  4. As a vegetarian, I can understand a special diet, but do you think we can figure out a way that you don't have COOK it every day?
  5. Well special diets are stupid. You need to eat like a normal person, like me.
  6. If we just keep thinking, we can solve this. Let's keep trying to figure it out. 


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Recipe Time!

This is probably the easiest recipe for fish you've ever seen.  Just 2 (TWO!) ingredients. 

PRESENTERS: remember to enlarge the picture by clicking on it when the mouse looks like a magnifier, or using the CTRL and + keys.

  1. How many fillets does the recipe use?
  2. If you were making it would you buy fresh or frozen fish?
  3. Can you guess how a broiler pan is different from a regular pan?

Kitchen Safety

What are the safety rules when working with an oven? Which pictures show safe and unsafe situations?




Answers to Life Skills Questions

Set 1 answers: 1.B, 2.D, 3.A, 4.C, 5.C, 6.A

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