Community & Civic Education
Check-In with everyone
Hello! Todays theme is INDEPENDENCE! This week is all about MONEY! Money in the community means banking and financial planning.
High Priority Vocabulary
Six more words for today.
PRESENTERS: Go over each word and how it's spelled.
Take a look at this worksheet and see if you can match the offices to the in-boxes.
PRESENTERS: Remember CTRL and the + key make the view larger.
Get Your Money Right
Remember yesterday's video about coins? Well let's see if we can get our money right.
PRESENTERS: This site has a great set of prompts for counting coins. Allow learners to propose answers and use those answers, even if they aren't accurate. Allow the feedback from the activity to do the job. If an answer turns out to be wrong, review the count with everyone.
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Show & Share
Did you bring your coin collection or coin bank? Show everyone your favorite coin collecting container or coin collection.
Coin collecting is a popular hobby. Some coins are worth a lot of money. The US Mint, where coins are made, has some interesting information about this hobby.
Why it's called a "Piggy Bank"
In the olden days the clay used to make pots in England was called "pygg" clay. People used to save their coins in these clay jars called Pygg banks. Eventually someone decided it would be a funny joke to make a clay container shaped like a piggy to put coins in and that's why we call them Piggy Banks today.
Do you have coins in containers at your house? Where else do you find stray coins?
Tomorrow's Show & Share will be about your favorite restaurant. Tell us what you like about it and what your favorite meal is.
Life-Skills Stories
Remember the story about Todd and Hannah yesterday? Let's see how much you remember.
(answers at the bottom of the page)
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Money Basics
PRESENTERS: Go through modules 1-3: Introduction, You and Your Money, What Money Is and Where It Comes From. If participants are interested you can continue. If not, we'll pick it up again Thursday.
Let's learn about how money works in this unique course. Discuss what you learned in the lesson.
What Kind of Account Do You Need?
There are many different kinds of accounts for your money. Take a look at some of these banks and find out the kinds of accounts they offer. Can you see any difference between the offers?
PRESENTERS: Just look at the kinds of accounts each institution offers and see if anyone recognizes those
Shopping for Food
Click on the gallery picture and use the arrow to move through the recipe cards
The Shopping
Use the recipes to make a grocery list. Tomorrow we'll shop at Raley's online.
What did we learn today?
Quiz Answers