Knowledge & Fun With Friends
Check-In with everyone
Todays theme is INDEPENDENCE! Another word that goes with independence is RESOURCES. Resources are all the things we use to make our lives possible. In the modern world money is a very important resource and if you don't have a way to get it for yourself, you're less independent. How do regular civilians usually get money?
Warm Up Game - Careers
Learn the career cards and play the games
PRESENTERS: This game has good accessibility features because the audio reads aloud what you put your mouse on. Use the vocabulary button to introduce the cards. Then play one of the games to reinforce. Remember to set your sound to Same As System when you share the screen.
Story Example - Training & Experience
Read the story together and discuss.
<Body Break>
Get your groove on. You only have 1 body. Treat it right.
Show & Share
Show us the clothes you would pick for a job interview and tell us why you think they would be a good choice. See if the group agrees.
Being a life long learner is great. We are always updating our skills and knowledge.
<Body Break>
Move yourself around, like a clown downtown!
Reinforce - Schooling, Training, or Experience?
Look at each job and decide if it requires scholing, training or experience. (Skip any repeats)
Life Skills Connection
If you wanted to go back to school, you have many choices. One interesting choice is the College of Adaptive arts, right here in the Bay Area.
Take a look at their departments and explore the class schedule.
How would a person apply to go there?
Apply Learning
Let's DREAM!! Think of the places you love to go and the things you like to do. Disneyland, video games, books, arcades... whatever you personally love. (PRESENTERS: Give time for dreaming. Encourage everyone to think about it for a minute or two)
OK, now come up with a dream job related to something you love. It doesn't have to be a real job. It can be a pretend job you invented. But some jobs you think are pretend are actually real. Ice Cream Taster is a real job. But so is Dog Food Taster... so who knows.
<Body Break>
Move it or abuse it. Don't abuse it. Move it.
Game 2 - Where's Waldo at Work
Game 3 - Find the Objects Picture
What Did We Learn Today?