Well Being & Social Connection
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Check-In with everyone
Starting to get that fall feeling? Pumpkins on porches, night falling earlier. Who has the best Halloween laugh?
Find the word in the box in the sentence below and circle it.
OPTIONAL LEVEL UP: Think of a word that can replace the one in the box that won't change the meaning of the sentence.
PRESENTERS: Do a sample of how to complete the worksheet together, let people see what they can finish independently, then come back together to check answers.
Show & Share: Now that it's getting cooler, we get to wear sweaters and sweatshirts again. Do you have a favorite fall sweater?
The people in Denmark have a special word for that warm snuggly happiness that we feel in our favorite sweater or socks. or when we have hot cocoa by the fire. It's spelled "hygge" and they pronounce it "huh-geh." Look at all the nice hygge-ly things the Danes love to do, wear and eat.
Tomorrow's Show & Share: Bring your warmest clothes to show us.
<Body Break> Make your body happy - jump around, look away from the screen, give someone a hygge-ly hug.
Life Skills Stories
Choose a question from each page in the discussion questions that the group wants to talk about.
Click to do an OPTIONAL LEVEL UP:
Level up that question by doing the activity that goes with it.
*Election Content OPTIONAL*
The California State Registrar recognizes a set of political parties as qualified to put candidates on the official ballot.
Voters can register to be members of a political party. Parties promote points of view and things they want to do in the government. When you register with a party you agree with the things they believe and want from government.
You don't have to pick a party. That makes you an "independent" voter.
Parties usually publish recommendations to their members for how to vote. This can be helpful if you have confidence in your party.
PRESENTERS: Introduce your group to the names of the recognized parties in this link. Tell learners they can search for the party online to learn more about them.
Thematic Connection: Heart Health
PRESENTERS: Zoom in on the bulleted lists by using the magnifier mouse to click or by pressing CTRL and the + key on the keyboard.
Do we know these words and phrases?
How can these tips help you make a favorite food better for your heart?
PRESENTERS: read the less healthful food choice and ask the group what to do instead. When you get a suggestion compare it to the one in the table.
Vote for your favorite and tell us some other foods you know are lower fat.
Another great way to love on our heart muscle is to let it work for us. Dance ON!
What Did We Learn Today?