Client Rights and Advocacy 15

Self-Advocacy, Rights & Responsibilities

High Priority Vocab

Use the HPV words to complete the sentences. Circle your choices. 

PRESENTERS: Remember you can zoom in by clicking on the image when the mouse is a magnifier


WHO can Vote? Use our California voters information page here to discuss as a group.

HOW do you vote? Watch this video for information on voting in California. 

WHEN and HOW can you register from home? Here is the online voter registration form.

Presenters: Use sample or mock information to fill out the first two pages of the voter registration form. Allow participants to give examples of what required information might be. 

Show & Share 

Do you have anything to show your California resident pride? (clothing, pictures you've captured etc.)  Bring it to today's show and share.

<Body Break> 

Life Skills Questions/Quiz 


*Life Skills Questions/Quiz Set 1

*Life Skills Questions/Quiz Set 2

Choose one of the quizzes and go over the questions. Check your answers together at the bottom.

PRESENTERS: Remember to allow enough time between a prompt and people's response. If strong readers/writers want to complete the other quiz too, show both answer sets.

<Body Break> 

What Did We Learn Today?

Quiz Answers:

Set 1

  1. C
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C

Set 2

  1. B
  2. D
  3. D
  4. B
  5. A
  6. D

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