Client Rights & Advocacy 42

Rights & Self Advocacy

Check In (5 min)

Share something funny that happened to you this week. 

Show & Share (10-min)

Find one way or show one way the Lanterman (using photos or icons) that the Lanterman Act has personally impacted you. This impact can be any impact that this act has had on your life past, present, or an impact you know it will have in the future. 

 <Body Break>

Defining Advocacy for myself(5-10 min)

What is advocacy to you? 

Here is the definition of advocacy to review as a team. And the Synonyms and Antonyms of Advocate.

After you review the dictionary's definition, what are some ways that you advocate for yourself?

What are ways that you advocate for others? 

PRESENTERS: Really allow at least 2 minutes of quiet pondering for this one. We can start here to engage in more time to allow our thoughts and awareness to gain power.

Using a moment of silent reflection and thinking, try to finish one or more of these sentences. Those who want to can share.

  1. Advocating means to...
  2. The most powerful way to advocate for myself is to...

The Lanterman Act Timeline (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: To continue the discussion on advocacy, the team will review the Lanterman Act and it's timeline. Participants can identify key dates of the act, describe how the act impacts themn personally, and brainstorm ways in which the Lanterman Act may change in the future. 

"The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act, known as the “Lanterman Act,” is an important piece of legislation that was passed in 1969. This is the California law that says people with developmental disabilities and their families have a right to get the services and supports they need to live like people without disabilities."

- Lanterman Act Website

If you needed to drescribe the Lanterman Act, how would you describe it in your own words or icons? The Lanterman Act was passed as a way to advocate. 

Watch the brief video on the history of the Lanterman Act. 

What was the timeline of the act? Are there one or more key events that occured to get the act to pass?

Now knowing more about Lanterman Act, what are some ways that this act could change in the future to benefit advocates or ourselves more? 

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Life Skills Story Worksheet: Using a Calendar as a reminder to pay bills.

PRESENTERS: Complete the worksheet in the worksheet packet as a team.

Complete the  Using a Calendar work sheet in this week's printable as a team. Share your answers and discuss why you picked them.

Optional Level-Up 

Imagine what your life might be like if the Lanterman Act did not protect your rights. What kind of help might you need? What kind of problems might be worse if you didn't have these rights?


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

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