Well Being & Social Connection
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
Check-In with everyone
Hello! July's theme is INDEPENDENCE! And today we start our Health and Wellness Series. Every Wednesday we will be delving into how to take care of our health and well being so that we can live comfortably for as long as possible. Ready?
Definitions of Health
Everybody thinks about being healthy. What means that you are healthy to you? These links have some definitions you can talk about. If you got the print packet this week, these handouts will be in there...
Speaking of health... you guessed it!
<Body Break!!>
Show & Share
Show or share your favorite exercise, stretch, or sport. You can show us how you do it on camera or you can share pictures with everyone. If you participate in sports or Special Olympics, tell everyone about it. Staff... you too. What exercise or sport do you love?
For tomorrow's Show & Share be ready to do a scavenger hunt on things we need or use to write letters.
Healthy to Me
Here are some things that might be true for you when you feel healthy. Circle and discuss.
Giving Voice to Your Parts
Ready to try some acting? Choose a part of your body and pretend like it's a separate part of you. Invent a funny voice for it.
For example, your stomach might sound growlly or your ear lobe might sound like a little girl... be creative.
PRESENTERS: Don't be nervous to get goofy with it. Model a silly voice and the kinds of things a body part would complain about.
Give your part something to complain about. Maybe your leg is always hurting, or your brain is always tired, or your tummy is always hungry. Use the silly voice to complain. You can answer the silly voice with your regular voice if you want, kind of like a goofy argument. OR have your part talk to someone else's part so they can complain together.
Choosing Goals
We've talked about goals before. But this time these are just between you and your body. Only you are choosing and only you will make them happen.
Take a look at these health goals and see if any of them inspire you.
If they don't, make up a goal of your own...
<Body Break>
Vision boards are really great ways to set goals. They make us excited because they are full of pictures. Let's look at these fitness vision boards. would you like to make a vision board like this? Start with some old magazines and check out this how-to.
Do you think you have the stuff around your house to make a vision board? If not you can look at vision boards other people make on Pinterest or iWish
What's Up With You & Your Body
This is a survey that you can complete to check on your current feelings of wellness.
PRESENTERS: These are OPTIONS. You can look at what makes sense for your group.
Here are some other ways to see if you are feeling good.
Team Competition to test your health knowledge
Evaluate your lifestyle choices
<Body Break>
Exertion and Perception
Whew! Those are two big words. Here's what they mean:
-energy you use to do something hard
-your point of view, how things seem to you
So... think about your exercise routines and how you keep fit. Then look at this chart that helps people know how hard they are exercising. How hard do you usually exercise? For how long?
How hard did you exert yourself on the body breaks today?
What Did We Learn Today?