Well-being and Social Connection 13

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Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Check-In with everyone

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High Priority Vocabulary

PRESENTERS: This worksheet gives us an opportunity to teach using a resource to find information. The links below are related to each activity quadrant on the work sheet. But if your group needs to learn about internet searches you can do a shared internet search to show them how to find the resources. Use only the links that meet the needs of your particular learning group. 

Don't know? Find out!

 Work on *this worksheet together and use the links below to find the answers.

PRESENTERS: CTRL and the + on a keyboard will zoom in, CTRL and the - sign will zoom out, CTRL and ZERO will make it default size.


Show & Share 

What organizations that aren't unions have you belonged to? Do you have any cards, badges, membership pins or other objects that prove you are a member of a club or group? Tell us about the clubs or groups you belong to or would want to join.

Tomorrow's Show & Share is about being new or different in a group. Think of a time when you had to get used to a group and they had to get used to you. 


<Body Break> Make it count everybody. Remember your body is a loyal friend. Treat it right. 

Life Skills Stories QUIZZZZZ!

Finish reading the Life Skills Story if you haven't yet. Then take *this quiz. You can go over the answers together.*

This story reminds us that we rely on one another. Does anyone have a story about a time a friend or loved one made a sacrifice to help you? What about a sacrifice you made to help someone else?

PRESENTERS: If people received the paper packet they have quiz questions on paper and can follow along at home. And you can CLICK on the document (mouse turns into a magnifier) to enlarge the text on the page.

(*Answers at the bottom of page)


Thematic Connection: Well Being and SYNERGY!

What does SYNERGY mean? Synergy is when things that are combined are even BETTER than what they would be if you had them individually. Food is a great example of synergy. So is team work!

Did you know...

  • When you eat beans OR rice OR corn you get some protein but if you eat them together your body gest even more protein out of ALL of them! 
  • That when you cook greens your body can't get all the nutrients inside of them... but if you add mustard, your body CAN!
  • If you add a little bit of salt to something sweet, it will taste sweeter. If you add a little sweetness to something salty it will taste saltier. (That's why fast food restaurants add sugar to their french fries and why there is salt in ice cream!)
  • A team that is working together well can get more done with less effort than a group  not using teamwork. 

PRESENTERS: Remember the mouse magnifier icon means you can click on the image to zoom in/out.

<Body Break> Bring a rock n' roll attitude to that body break. Rock it out people!

Combination Foods

Take a look at this *Activity Sheet about Combination Foods. Each combined set of foods is better than the ingredients for the dish if you ate them separately. Decide what categories of foods the combinations come from. 

The links below show the INGREDIENTS for the first 3 combination foods in the worksheet. 

Would you rather eat the combination food item or the ingredients for it separately? If you think they taste better in combination, that's synergy!


Turkey Sandwich


Serving Sizes

Before we go look at the worksheet, will you share how much you usually eat of ONE of the following foods? (each responder can pick one food they want to share about)

  • Pizza: how many slices?
  • Mashed potatoes: how much of the plate?
  • Pasta: How big a bowl?
  • French fries: What size of order?
  • Fresh cherries: How many handfuls?  

Do you think that's too much, too little or just right?

This *worksheet refers to the 5 food groups but we're just going to look at the three that we know for sure are healthful. Remember that healthful food is whole, natural and NOT processed. It doesn't come from a factory or with extra chemicals. 

Look at the serving sizes. How do they compare to the amounts you normally eat of those foods? Are you over-eating, under-eating, or eating a healthful amount?

Serving sizes matter, both for health and synergy. We want to eat as many DIFFERENT foods as possible. Remember that our gut microbes LOVE variety. They don't like to have the same stuff day after day. To have room for a lot of different foods we need to eat reasonable portions of all the different stuff. Here is a graphic that helps us imagine good portions.

Synergy Snacks!

Take a look at *these healthful snack recipes. Do you think you might try these at home sometime? Show them to the peopel you live with and ask if they would like to try them. 

Please share your favorite healthful snacks that are combination foods. 

What Did We Learn Today?


Life Skills Answers:

Q1. — A. He wanted some new clothes.

Q2. — B. He could not let his friend’s dog die.

Q3. — C. He won a big-sale ticket.

Q4. — B. herbs

Q5. — A. checkout

Q6. — A. dill

Q7. — B. 100

Q8. — A. 29

Q9. — C. Set your cell phone alarm to your wake-up time.

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