Community & Civic Education
Check In (3-5 min)
Remind everyone of the themes for the week: Food and Giving in non-material Ways
Short recap of yesterday: Everyday food and special occasion foods, knowledge as an important gift
Show and share (5-10 min)
Your favorite holiday movie
Tomorrow’s Show and Share is Fall leaves and pumpkin-based favorites. Bring a great example of a fall leaf from your neighborhood and tell us your choice for pumpkin treats.
Thematic Activity 01 (15-20 min)
Review the resources on new farming trends:
Skim this article on farm-to-table
Video: Remembering where food comes from
Video: California organics
PRESENTERS: The farmer in this video is local and a chance to remind learners of the brave farming activists we studied when we were learning about unions.
Complete this questionaire on where food comes from as a group
Thematic AND Skill Building Activity 02 (10-20 min)
Watch this video on soil pollution
Now that we have new KNOWLEDGE we can do some things to contribute
Learn how we can clean up our act in this video
Discuss the 7 things you can do to support clean water and healthy soil
PRESENTERS: choose two (or more) of the tips to explain the action that follows the knowledge.
Share the progress of your beans or sweet potato plant if you haven’t already
Skill Builder Activity 01 (10-15 min)
Review these two web pages about organizations that take material and non-material contributions to their projects
(PRESENTERS: Describe the layout of the page as you go over it to help learners understand scanning for areas of content. Have the help you spot words or images that are about contributing)
Review the slides to understand the kinds of resources we contribute
PRESENTERS: Click the PRESENT button in the upper right to fill the screen and go through the slides to teach material and non-material
Rate the importance of the different kinds of resources using the rating scale on the worksheet
What kinds of resources are you most likely to offer for your community support?
Look at the list of needs these volunteer opportunities in Santa Clara represent and choose one organization to click on (or do a search for organizations in your community that need help)
What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?