Well-being and Social Connection 18

Well Being & Social Connection

Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

PRESENTERS: an * (asterisk) will mean that link goes to a file that people should also have had delivered in their packets. Different programs and districts may make different decisions about what to send. You can lead the group through the online objects and have them follow along on paper at home as appropriate. 

Check-In with everyone

Voter Advocacy Decision

PRESENTERS: discuss with your group if they want to explore more about the election or the vote. If your group is into it, go through this web page together:

Here is a link to a resource for California voters with disabilities

You can also paste it in the chat for those attendees/families who would like to go to the website themselves.

Heart Health-Find Your Pulse

PRESENTERS: Use finding our pulse to introduce the topic of heart health. 

This wiki how page  is good or just show your group the ways to feel pulse. 

Trivia about the Human Heart 

Vocabulary-Today is Wellness Vocab

Are any of these words new to our group? We'll be using them today.  

  1. Blood Pressure: pressure blood puts on your arteries as it moves around your body
  2. High Blood Pressure: when the pressure against your arteries is too high
  3. Hypertension: high blood pressure
  4. Symptoms: measurable things we experience that tell us something in our body is not working right
  5. Risk Factors: things we do or have in our environment that make it more likely we might get sick
  6. Heredity: things we inherit from our parents and their parents
  7. Sedentary: spending most of your time physically still, sitting, or lying down instead of moving your body
  8. Lifestyle: ways we eat, drink, sleep, work, move, socialize, or entertain ourselves and the places and conditions in which we do these things
  9. Veins: the part of your blood system that takes blood from the heart out to your body
  10. Arteries: the part of your blood system that bring blood from the body back to your heart

Show & Share - Pick anyone in the world to be your running mate for the presidency. Who would you pick? Why?

Tomorrow's Show & Share: Proud Californians

Do you have anything to show your California resident pride? Clothing? Mementos? Photos?  Show us tomorrow.

<Body Break> 

Life Skills Stories

Discussion Questions: You Decide

PRESENTERS: Survey your group to choose 2-4 areas for life skills practice they would like to explore on Friday. Help them connect these topics to the story. (!)The Discussion questions for this week's home packet were grouped into Monday, but they can be looked at today and Friday.

-optional links-

*Discussion Questions 1

*Discussion Questions 2

  1. Controlling Credit Card Levels: Using a credit card to buy things instead of paying cash, or using a credit card to buy things you cannot afford.
  2. Understanding Wants versus Needs: Choosing what kinds of goods and services to pay for and what to do yourself.
  3. Anticipating Consequences: What could happen if you use a credit card to buy $500 worth of things you cannot afford for three months in a row?
  4. Understanding Titles that Go with Names: Todd and Hannah ran into Dr. Matt Franks, Jr. What do the titles “Dr.” and “Jr.” mean? 
  5. Searching for Job Options: Pretend you're at the mall looking for a job. What stores would you check into to find what sort of job?
  6. Reading Job Ads: Searching online job posting and using the info to answer questions
  7. Exploring Situation-Appropriate Speech/Actions: When to joke and when to be serious.
  8. Interviewing for a Job: Getting an interview and setting the time.
  9. Recognizing Proper Posture: Posture in meetings and interviews, online vs in person.


Watch this animation about High Blood Pressure 

Review the  bullet points in the *handout on High Blood Pressure

We aren't sure why some people get it and others don't but we know what can increase your chances of getting the disease or making it worse. Finish these statements based on what you learned:

  • Family history of high _________  ___________
  • Being over_________
  • Not getting enough ex______________
  • Eating too much s____________
  • Not being able to cope with _______ss
  • Drinking more than 2  a__________ic  drinks a day

If you have been diagnosed with hypertension do all the things above AND

  • Take _____________ ordered by a doctor 

<Body Break>


Check out this 3D model of a human heart!

Now look at the *drawing of the heart sent in the home packet

  • Label the blue tubes ARTERIES-they bring blood IN to the heart from the body 
  • Label the red tubes VEINS-they take blood OUT to the body from the heart


Review the *chart for low-sodium options 

Now EVERYBODY, staff too, go check your kitchen and see if you have any of them in your home.

What Did We Learn Today?

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