Rights & Self Advocacy
Check In (5 min)
What is something about yourself that we might not know yet?
Recap Yesterday (3 min)
Reviewed our midweek check in and completed a photography word scramble.
Show & Share (10-min)
Share a photo of your favorite type of flower or plant. Why do you like this flower or plant so much?
Start thinking about photography for advocacy: (5-10 min)
PRESENTERS:You can share screen and use an internet broswer to find photos.
Share one photograph that is famous for being a photograph that drove advocacy
Examples of Photographs that drove movements:
20 Photos that Show America's History of Activism
Take a photograph of your community:
Review what kind of mobile devices participants have that can take photographs.
Ask participants to take a photo of their community using their mobile device. Share photos in session.
Why is this photo of your community important?
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Life Skills Story Worksheet (5-10 min) (Digital Worksheet to be determined)
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Optional Level-Up
Create a scrap book page in your planner portfolio to share your community photo
What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?