Well-being and Social Connection 21

Week 21 | Nov 2-6, 2020

Theme: World Music — Skill Building: Making Decisions

Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Post-Election Day (optional by group choice)

Decide as a group if people want to express anything about the election today. 

If people have something they want to say everyone can speak to the group for about a minute. Be clear this is not a question and answer or a discussion. We are just hearing one another, listening. 

  1. Staff will watch the clock and let people know when their time is up
  2. Each person will have a minute to give their thoughts or feelings without comment.
  3. When it’s your turn just say what your are thinking or feeling. Don’t comment on anyone else.
  4. When those who had something to say have spoken, continue with the content. 

If anyone needs more support wants to speak with the client leadership mentors, they can text or call Linda Siino at (408) 761-5931, email at lsiino@hopeservices.org, or email John Robinson at jrobinson@hopeservices.org


Theme and skills this week are: World Music and Making Decisions

Short recap of yesterday: Music for special occasions, gathering info for decisions, city councils

Theme Activity

Story songs are common in all cultures. Before writing and books people used to record the history of their people in songs. A story-telling song is sometimes called a ballad or an ode.

Listen to these story telling songs. One is a personal story. The other is a song about the violent conflict between England and Ireland in 1972.

Boy Named Sue - Johnny Cash

Sunday, Bloody Sunday - U2

What story-telling songs do you know? Do you remember any songs from when you were a kid? 

(Itsy Bitsy Spider is a story-telling song.)

  • Disney songs
  • Broadway songs
  • Rap or hip-hop songs often tell stories
  • Songs from your family culture

Is there a story from your own life that would make a good song?

Show and Share a poem you like

It can be a famous poem, a non-famous poem, or a poem you wrote yourself. 

Tomorrow's Show and share: your favorite dance step!

<Body Break>

Skill Builder 01

Choosing Friends

Read this story together.

  1. Do you think Hank is probably an honest person?
  2. Why is it important that Hank didn’t know Lorraine could see him?
  3. If you found that money on the floor would you do what Hank did? Why or why not?

Using the list of good character traits below, how can you tell if someone has these traits?

  • Kind
  • Honest and sincere
  • Giving
  • Patient
  • Cares about others

<Body Break>

Skill Builder 02--Health choices –short-term/long-term decisions

All choices are made in the short-term. We choose things every day that affect today, tomorrow, and far into the future. The short-term choices we REPEAT frequently have more long-term consequences.

Long-term consequences add up from short-term decisions. Each item below is a short-term choice. 

Fill in the work sheet together and decide if a choice is healthful in the short-term and if it has any impact in the long-term: 

PRESENTERS: The challenge of this exercise to help learners connect that long-term effects are connected to how OFTEN a choice is REPEATED. If we have too much cake on our birthday it's not a big deal. If we have cake every day, that's a problem.

  • In the short-term column write a “+” sign for a healthful choice 
  • a “–“ sign for an unhealthful choice. 
  • In the long-term effect column put a frown-face if the long-term result is very bad, 
  • “0” if the there is no real long-term impact, 
  • and a happy face if the long-term result is good.

Daily Meals: cake and ice cream for breakfast almost every day and oatmeal only once in a while

Daily Snacks:  celery, carrots and pretzels almost every day and chips or cookies only once in a while

On my birthday: 2 giant slices of cake because it is my favorite and so YUMMY

Exercise: Take a half-hour walk at least 6 days a week and do push-ups M-F in the morning

When I wake up: Before 7 am every day except Sunday, when I sleep in until 9 or so

When I go to sleep: Stay up until 2 or 3 in the morning playing video games most nights

Vacation schedules: Take at least 1 vacation every year, sometimes two, to recharge and do something new

Drinking water: I only drink water if I am out of soda

Treats: I indulge in treats on special occasions or when I have something to celebrate. 

Holidays: I eat whatever I want, as much as I want, from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, no matter how unhealthy it is.   

Sharing health choice challenges

  1. What is a difficult short-term health choice for you? Choosing nutritious snacks? Giving up soda? Working out?
  2. What makes it a hard choice?
  3. What kind of help or support would make it easier?

Immediate vs long-term, when to choose which?

Look at the 0 impact choices on the worksheet. Why are those OK? (they aren’t repeated much so they don’t add up) 

Understanding the long-term costs 

When we repeat things day after day, that is when the results add up in the long-term. It’s not that we can’t have treats, or take a break from exercise. 

A healthy life-style is what we do MOST of the time. And treats are only special if we DON’T have them all the time.


What did we learn today?

What are doing this afternoon?

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