Description Title
Check In (3-5 min)
Theme of the week and Skill Builder
Today we’ll focus on the beauty of winter
Recap yesterday’s topics
Show & Share (5-10 min)
Favorite romantic moment. It can be from your life, from a movie, a story, or a show.
Next Week’s Show & Share
Is just attending and giving parties and having a grand ole time.
Covid Mitigation Moment (5 min)
If you go into a public space they will ask you questions at the door before they take your temperature. It's a good idea to be ready to answer.
Below are the common screening questions.
PRESENTERS: We will put these questions into the next few days curriculum so just work on one question at a time and help people who have low expressive language or English to come up with a strategy for answering.
1. Do you have any of the following symptoms?
2. Do any members of your household have any of the above symptoms?
3. Have you traveled recently?
4. Have you been in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past two weeks?
*Readers' Option: Life Skills Stories - Activity Sheet (10-15 min)
PRESENTERS: if your group is reading the story and doing the exercises, the link will go to ALL the documents for that package of work. Scroll down to find the sheet you are working on on a given day
Thematic Activity 01 (5-10 min)
Taking Pictures During Holidays and the Rule of 3rds.
If you take pictures this holiday season, use the rule of 3rds to "compose" or "frame" your photos. The rule of thirds says pictures look better when we put the focus of the photo on an intersection of an imagined tic-tac-toe board.
Here is a video that demonstrates the rule of thirds.
Here is another example. The clear points of interest are on intersections.
Draw the lines on these photos with the annotation tool to find out if the photographer followed the rule of thirds. It doesn't have to be exact.
If you have a hope tablet or a phone, you have a camera. If your group would like, you can practice taking photos with your device and sharing them with your group.
Thematic Activity 02- Music that Sounds like Winter (10-15 min)
Musical instruments come in many forms. This is an instruments that uses MARBLES! to make sounds. See what you think.
PRESENTERS: Purposely describe this instrument as best you can not just for the people who may not be able to see it, but also to help everyone practice describing things that are not common sights. It's an excellent communication challenge.
Vivaldi's Winter portion of the composition Four Seasons
Vivaldi is a famous composer of classical music and Four Seasons is one of his most famous pieces. This is PART of a longer symphony but as you listen to the music imagine snow, tiny animals trying to survive, the fading light, the shivering feeling of being cold, and the danger that winter can pose in the wild.
PRESENTERS: the movement is long (9 min) so play it as long as interest holds.
The human voice is an instrument too. Listen to this example of using the voice to make us think of winter.
Then, in your group, try to find sounds you can make that remind you of winter. Each person choose a sound and repeat it in a rhythm, then the next person can add theirs and so on until you are all creating a winter sounding combination.
Skill Builder - Getting Clear About Winter Needs (10-15 min)
Get clear about our needs this winter and practice talking about it with people we trust. Especially during Covid, we need to understand our needs for social time and solitude. Since Fridays are about fun with friends, let's consider our social needs. Discuss the following questions.
Games and Puzzles
Random Interactive Word Search
What did we learn today?
What are we doing this afternoon?