Safety & Person-Centered Focus
Check In (2-3 min)
This week’s theme is Pets. We’ll be learning all about animals that share our lives both as domestic pets and sometimes working helpers
Our Skill Builder this week is Loving Care. Caring is important and HOW we show caring is just as important as the care itself.
Thematic Activity 01 (5-7 min)
Look at these links to learn about different pets and working animals and the ways we classify them
Pets at home are often called domestic pets
Breeds are kind of like ancestors of pets. Some have only one kind of ancestor. We call them “pedigreed” which means there are records of their ancestors going back very far. Others are mixtures or “mutts” which means no one kept records and we can sort of tell what some of their ancestors probably were but we can’t be sure. (Unless we test their DNA and since animals don’t really commit crimes, why do that? Hee hee)
PRESENTERS: Look at one or more of these links, as time allows. You can zoom in by clicking and move around larger images by click-dragging
Pets don’t really have to do anything but be our little friends. However there are WORKING animals. People have trained animals to do work for thousands of years.
PRESENTERS: Look at one or more of these links, as time allows. Discuss the kinds of work different animals do for people.
Show and Share (5-10 min)
Show and Share your pet pictures or your current pet, or a pet you wish you could have. Imagination is good here.
Thematic Activity 02 (10-15 min)
Types of pet owners
Complete the *Worksheet activity to assess your own pet-ownership tendencies
PRESENTERS: Remember to click on to enlarge and have people use their sheet at home too
Remember when we discussed your preferences, wants and needs from earlier in the month? Think about owning a pet in relation to your preferences wants and needs.
Matching the owner to the pet -
Look at these slides listing the traits of 3 different pets.
PRESENTERS: Use PRESENT button on the upper right to make the slides full screen
Discuss your own needs and preferences. Would any of these pets suit you or your lifestyle
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Skill Builder: Loving Care 01 (10-15 min)
Using the *hope relationship map write down the names of 3 or more people on your map.
PRESENTERS: show locating close friends close to the circle labeled “YOU” and acquaintances farther away
The statements below are all ways to show we care about someone. Which statement is the most like you?
Can you give an example of something you did or said to show you care about someone in your life?
Bringing People Closer to Your Heart
DON'T FORGET: tomorrow we are doing the plant project. If you don't yet have beans or a sweet potato, get your materials.
What did we learn today?