Knowledge & Life Skills 21

Knowledge & Fun With Friends

Introduction (1-2min)

Theme and skills this week are: World Music and Making Decisions

Modern songs in US cultures (4-8 min)

Here is a crazy-long list of music GENRES. "Genre" means a kind, like blues or rock. We use genre to mean types of cultural activities like art, music, literature, etc. 

Modern music genres have roots in the traditional types of music we listened to this week. 

This is an amazing INTERACTIVE INFOGRAPHIC that traces the history of modern music back to traditional roots. Watch the animation of the history of rock music, then explore the samples by having your presenter click on the type of music you want to know more about.

PRESENTERS: After the animation of the graphic goes down the page, you can click on any label of a music genre to hear an examples of it and see how it's related to other genres. 

Start at the top, bottom or middle and scroll around to find the "relatives" of the type of music you first clicked. Follow one all the way back to where it started. 

Are there some modern songs that now seem to be related to some of the world music we listened to this week? 

Maybe a little karaoke? (10-15 min) 

Country Music Classics

Free partial songs - click the genre, choose a song, click the play icon--these are short so more people can take a turn

YouTube  Sing King Channel - Click a genre from the playlists

Show and share (5-10 min)

Do you sing? Do you play an instrument? Share your voice or instrument with us. If you don't play an instrument, which one would you learn if you could?

Next Week's Show and Share will be: Your Favorite SUPERHERO! Squeeeeee!

Skill Builder 01

Decision Trees (10-15 min)

Decision trees are a way to draw a picture of decisions you have to make. 

This decision tree is about PROS and CONS of a decision.

PRESENTERS: Use the magnifier to click and zoom in or CTRL and the + key to zoom in, CTRL and the - key to zoom back out

Pros and Cons are Personal

Not all the pros and cons are equally important to everyone. Remember when we learned about preferences and wants on Monday? Some pros or cons may be really important to one person and no big deal to someone else. Say how you personally feel about some of the pros or cons. 

Choose a decision from the wheel OR work on a real decision someone is struggling with now. Brainstorm the pros and cons of the decision together, or if some people want to work independently and share when they are done, that works too.

Fill out the decision tree form together, or indepedently, then share.

Brainstorm other ways you can decide between options. 

Optional LEVEL UP

This is a different kind of decision tree. It uses Boolean logic, or the idea of IF _________, then _________. Notice how the lines all represent "yes" or "no" so that if you pick yes, it takes you to one response and choosing no takes you in a different direction. This is the kind of decision tree that is used in computer programming, game design, and artificial intelligence. 

bit of fri-yay fun and tomfoolery

Beginner Dance Lessons - hip hop moves

Try some BOLLYWOOD steps

People borrow each others music and dance traditions. This is an INDIAN dance troup that does their thing in RUSSIA! how cool is that?

SAMBA! on the coast of Rio in Brazil -- or just go for that Samba Beat and free form it

Here is an acapella group called Pentatonix doing the history of music as different songs sung in order--notice there are no instruments, only human voice

and here's a history of dance in one number!

Remember to keep music in your life. It's your human birthright. If you are a musician or singer, share your love of this wonderful art form with people. Let's always keep our world filled with beautiful music. 


What did we learn?

What are we doing this afternoon?

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