Well Being & Social Connection
Having good relationships makes life better. Family, friends, partners, pets, all enrich our lives. Relationships that last a long time are really good. When relationships don't last it can hurt.
Watch this video about some of the skills for taking good care of relationships.
Think of people you see at least once a week that you consider to be good friends or family. Discuss these questions
If you have pictures of these people you want to share, show the group. Do you have any gifts or cards they have given you?
<<Movement Break>>
Give and Take
Friendships and relationships have what is called "give and take." Friends in relationships give each other things and do things for one another. Discuss these questions to decide if friendship is about getting, or something more.
We often feel connection with people who like the same things we like, who admire what we admire and get excited about what excites us. This is like sitting side-by-side with your friend to enjoy something you both like.
We also NEED our friends. And, they NEED us. Because friends help each other with problems, celebrate one another's achievements, and give each other all kinds of social and material things that make life feel great. That's the Give and Take of friendship.
It's like sitting across from one another to focus on and learn about each another.
<movement and water break>
Play the first round on things friends give each other. Then change the categories to your own ideas.
Video Instructions if you need them
Everyone claps and pats their hands in a pattern. Someone starts the game by saying: "Let's play a game of concentration. No repeats or hesitation. Category is: ___________________: (gives an example of the category."
Each person says another item from the category. PRESENTERS, you might have to call on people in Zoom so they know it's their turn.
When someone hesitates or repeats an answer, that round is over and someone else gets to pick a new category.
<Brain and body break>
Well Being Practices
Practicing Gratitude VIDEO-- fun ways to do it
PRESENTERS: If your district didn't send out pipecleaners, skip. Otherwise, demonstrate this craft on video. We will do more of these so don't worry.
Check out these cute pipecleaner guys you can make. If you got pipecleaners in your pack this week, you're ready to go. If not, we'll check in again next week.
Presenters work in a pattern, switching off. Keep focus on one subject for no more than 10 minutes. Then offer a change in activity/focus.
1. Gain attention for the subject/idea
2. Say what we will learn (objective)
3. Show the resource and delivers the content
4. Prompt individuals for response/action and give feedback
5. Remind everyone what was just learned
6. Open group feedback and review learning
7. Prompt learners to say what they learned
8. Ask learners for other contexts where learning can apply
Check with participants for what afternoon activities they want to explore. Note for assignment to breakouts in the afternoon.
Learners return to the main meeting area and are encouraged to
Learners return to the main meeting area and are encouraged to
Participants return to the district meeting area at 1pm.
Participants will return to the main session from the breakout rooms or can extend breakout room time. In the main room facilitators/presenters can:
Learning Services may record as a mechanism to collect feedback but will not publish.