Well-being and Social Connection 76

   Nov 22-24, 2021 SHORT WEEK

Theme: Food — Skill Building: Giving in Non-material Ways

Safety & Person-Centered Focus

Monday, November 22, 2021

Today happens to be: Go for a ride day!

How will you celebrate go for a ride day?

Check In (2-3 min)  

Reminder: NO Program Thursday and Friday (November 25th and 26th 2021)

Introduce this week’s theme: Food 

Introduce this week’s Skill Builder: Giving in non-material ways 



  • Your favorite Thanksgiving or other special occasion recipe. 
  • Tell us how it's made and why you like it. 
  • How long have you been enjoying it? 
  • Is it a family tradition?
  • Can you find pictures of the dish/dessert/item online?


Thematic Activity 01 (10-15 min)  

What are some everyday foods and what are special occasion foods? 

Use the *features of food worksheet to identify the different things about foods that make them special or regular everyday food 

PRESENTERS: Screen share and use the annotation option to complete the sheet as a group. 

Use the *Favorite Food worksheet to identify 

  • Your favorite everyday foods  
  • Your favorite special occasion foods 
  • Put any foods you especially dislike on the back of the sheet 


OPTIONAL LEVEL UP – deeper discussion (5 min)

Rewards are things that make our brain feel pleasure. When our brain tells us something is pleasurable it also wants us to do whatever we did to make it happen again. Special occasion foods often make our brain feel pleasure. They make us look forward to special times when we can have them again.  

  1. Why do different people like different foods?  
  2. Why is a food you love also a food someone else hates?  
  3. What other things in life are like that?  
  4. And why are some flavors neutral, we don’t like or dislike them?  


Skill Builder Activity 01 (10-15 min)  

Review the images on dangerous scenarios and Use the questions to identify the KNOWLEDGE that makes special helpers qualified to help in each situation  

  1. Who is the most likely helpful person for each situation?  
  2. Does the person need special knowledge and training?  
  3. What would a helper need to be sure of before helping in this situation? 
  4. What knowledge or skills can you learn or practice to be ready for one or more of these situations?  


Skill Builder 02-  (5-10 min)  

Review the images of hobbies below: 

  1. What knowledge and skills does a person need to enjoy these activities?
  2. Share your hobby and what you know or learned from doing it.


Skill Builder Activity 03 (5-10 min) 

Read the story about passing knowledge on together 

  1. Who in your lives has passed knowledge on to you? 
  2. What did they share with you? 
  3. How has that gift enriched your life? 


OPTIONAL Level Up (5-10 min) 

Brainstorm a list of all the knowledge and skills that each person has in the group. Are you an artist? Do you know a lot about cars? What is something that you've mastered over time?

  • Can one or more of you teach the group something new?  
  • If something can be taught easily, use your presenting skills to show case what you know.  

What have we Learning today?

What are we doing this afternoon?

Community & Civic Education

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Today happens to be: National Cashew Day! 

Take a poll, how many of us in the room are fans of cashews?

BONUS: Recipes made with Cashews!

Check In (3-5 min)  

Reminder: NO Program Thursday and Friday (November 25th and 26th 2021)

Remind everyone of the themes for the week: Food and Giving in non-material Ways 

Short recap of yesterday: Everyday food and special occasion foods, knowledge as an important gift 



What's the best and your absolute favorite holiday movie?  


Thematic Activity 01 (15-20 min) 

Review the resources on new farming trends: 

PRESENTERS: The farmer in this video is local and a chance to remind learners of the brave farming activists we studied when we were learning about unions.  

Complete this questionaire on where food comes from as a group 


Thematic AND Skill Building Activity 02 (10-20 min) 

  • Watch this video on soil pollution 
  • Now that we have new KNOWLEDGE we can do some things to contribute 

Discuss the 7 things you can do to support clean water and healthy soil  

PRESENTERS: choose two (or more) of the tips to explain the action that follows the knowledge. 

  1. Dispose of hazardous waste responsibly (we need to know what hazardous waste is and what responsible disposal options we have) 
  2. Avoid single-use plastics (cutlery, cup tops, to-go containers, water bottles—if you don’t buy them you don’t have t throw them away) 
  3. Recycle—put the recyclable things in the bin, too many don’t pay attention and throw trash in there and think they are recycling 
  4. Electronic materials are hazardous materials – refer to tip 1 
  5. Shopping bags and shipping materials – order from companies that ship in recyclable containers and don’t use Styrofoam 
  6. All our soaps, detergents, personal cosmetics air fresheners and medications have green options and are better for our bodies too 
  7. Composting – means less trash to put out and healthy lawns and gardens 


Skill Builder Activity 01 (10-15 min) 

Review these two web pages about organizations that take material and non-material contributions to their projects 

(PRESENTERS: Describe the layout of the page as you go over it to help learners understand scanning for areas of content. Have them help you spot words or images that are about contributing) 

Review the slides to understand the kinds of resources we contribute 

PRESENTERS: Click the PRESENT button in the upper right to fill the screen and go through the slides to teach material and non-material 

Rate the importance of the different kinds of resources using the rating scale on the worksheet 

What kinds of resources are you most likely to offer for your community support? 

Look at the list of needs these volunteer opportunities in Santa Clara represent and choose one organization to click on (or do a search for organizations in your community that need help) 

  1. What material and non-material resources could help the organization you picked? 
  2. Which of these needs are you most interested in meeting? 


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon?

Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Today happens to be: Evolution Day!

Check In (3-5 min) 

  • Remind everyone of the themes for the week: Food and Giving in non-material Ways 
  • ALSO NO PROGRAM November 25th and 26th.(Tomorrow and Friday)
  • Short recap of yesterday: Farming in California, soil and water resources, non-material resources compared to material resources for helping communities 



What are you thankful for this month? Are you thankful for friends, family, a pet or a job? Create a thankful list as a group using the annotation and the whiteboard option.  



Bonus: Ever wonder why we call the day after thanksgiving, Black Friday?

Here is a brief video that helps explain the historical day. 


Thematic Activity (10-15 min) 

  • Look at these slides about organic farming 
  • The slides should make you wonder what the Clean 15 and Dirty Dozen are... 

PRESENTERS: See if learners will retrieve learning they did yesterday to show they know some of this content already.

  • Here is a great graphic of produce. Use it with the worksheet to identify which things we should try to get organic if possible, and which are OK to buy conventionally farmed (so long as we wash them well)
  • Use the *Clean Fifteen/DirtyDozen worksheet to identify the produce items you should buy organic if possible and those which can be safely eaten conventionally farms

Watch this video to understand how organic farming is different and how it needs community support.

  1. Does organic food look different? 
  2. Will you buy food that doesn’t look perfect if you know it’s safe to eat? 


Look on google maps for farms in the bay area near you that offer organic produce or naturally produced animal products like meat, cheese, or eggs 


Themactic Activity 02 (5-10mins)

We talked about non-matierial gifts and how we can give to others in our community, but what about ourselves? How can we give ourselves gifts that are non-material each day? Read the list below and see what you can add to it. 

  • Practice Self Care
  • Give our bodies love and nutrition 
  • Set up boundaries
  • Write in a journal
  • Talk to a friend
  • Drink something warm
  • Sit in a cozy blanket
  • Pet a dog
  • Have alone time
  • Go for a walk
  • Get some sunshine


Thanksgiving History

Did you know each year Macy's puts on a huge thanksgiving parade in New York City?

  • If you are interested in learning a bit about the history, click this link here. 
  • Presenter: Click on the word bubble with the year that you would like to look at. Tha view will change to a street view with some history of the parade and ballons. 

Ready for a thanksgiving game of Fiction or Fact?

Check out this quiz featured on the History Channel Wesbite. 


What have we learned today?

What are we doing this afternoon?

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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