Well-being and Social Connection 72

Safety & Person-Centered Focus

Monday, October 25, 2021 


Hello! Today is National Pumpkin Day! Pumpkins are loaded with fiber, Vitamin A, potassium, and antioxidants. Do you like eating pumpkin? 

  PRESENTERS: an * (asterisk) will mean that link goes to a file that people should also have had delivered in their packets. Different programs and districts may make different decisions about what to send. You can lead the group through the online objects and have them follow along on paper at home as appropriate

Skills Sharing 

Have you carved pumpkins before? How often? How was it? 

What tips do you have for others?


<Body Break>  Get up, look away from the screen. 


Life Skills Story

**KMG’s Ghost Rides **

Kyle and Mitch start to design a computer game. Read the entire story today or read half and finish it tomorrow.  

PRESENTERS: Read aloud with your group, or have some readers help. When reading aloud exaggerate tone and emotion somewhat to increase engagement. 

Stop reading a few times to prompt participants to VISUALIZE what the words describe. This is an important part of learning to read well which is often challenging.

<Body Break>  Get up, look away from the screen. 


Facing Change 

Every day we may be faced with big and small changes. Sometimes these changes are planned in advance, giving us a chance to prepare. On the other hand, many times change comes to us by surprise.  

Activity 1 How do you respond to change? 

Using the image provided, find the emotion icon that best represents you when change happens in your life.  

(Presenters: With the image open, encourage everyone to annotate by placing a circle, stamp or name next to the emotion icon that best describes how they react to change. Be sure to keep a look out on the chat or participant panel if other prefer to type or say their reaction) 

Click for Image of Human Emtions Icons

Review: After everyone has had the chance to find their reaction, do you see any similarities? 

  • Which icons were picked over and over? 
  • Were there a few icons that were only picked once? 
  • Are you surprised with these results? 


Activity 2 Long Term Changes VS Short Term Changes 

What is the difference between the two? 

(Presenter: Using the white board option, start a brain storm to track down the responses.)  

  • What is short term? Is it days, hours, weeks, months? 
  • What is long term? Is it longer than hours, longer than 12 months, can it be years? 


Activity 3 Your experiences 

Choose a recent change in your life.

  • Changes in your state 
  • Moving to a new location 
  • Mealtimes 
  • Changing job hours 
  • Bedtimes 
  • Changes in your county 
  • Adjusting you're eating habits 
  • Bus route changes 
  • The weather 
  • Changes in the country 
  • Finding a new coffee shop  
  • Modifications to medicine 
  • Changes in your town 


 Activity 4 Reflecting on Change

After you have discussed and shared with your group about those changes in your life, pick one and use it to reflect on the next two questions: 

  • What made this change scary? 
  • What made this change for you not so scary? 
  • What tips can you provide to your friends to help them cope with change?


Bonus Activity: Can you think of popular songs that are about change? You can look up song titles and artist in a web browser, maybe play a few. 

  • “The Times They Are A-Changin" By Bob Dylan
  • “Changes” By David Bowie 
  • “Man in the Mirror” by Michael Jackson 
  • “Waiting on the World to Change” By John Mayer 
  • “Changes” By 3 Doors Down 
  • “Change” By Taylor Swift 
  • “Change” By Christina Aguilera 

What Did We Learn Today?

Community & Civic Education

Tuesday, October 26, 2021


Good morning! What have you been thinking about? 

High Priority Vocabulary

Objective: Read, understand, and identify six common words: again, her, could, which, your, their. 

Look at * “Reading Ads.” You should have received a printed copy of this. 

Presenters: Prompt participants to read and complete the worksheet on their own if they are able. Otherwise, share your screen and use the annotate tool to complete the first two questions together. Then, give participants a couple minutes to complete the worksheet on their own. 

Once everyone has completed the worksheet, share your screen and ask for volunteers to read each ad. Ask participants to use the annotate feature to circle the given word and identify which type of store would send out each ad. 

Show & Share

Are you planning to wear a Halloween costume this year? What's the best Halloween costume that you've ever worn? 

Tomorrow’s show and share: What's a great Halloween costume that you've seen someone else wear? 

Body Break

Dance party! 

Life Skills Story: KMG’s Ghost Rides

Objective: Understand the life skills story for the week. (Reading comprehension) 

Presenters: If you didn’t read the whole story on Monday, finish reading it today. If you did finish it, prompt participants to recap the story’s main ideas before you do the quiz. 

Here are some questions that you may want to ask: What are Kyle and Mitch collaborating on? What happens in the first part of the game? What about the second? 

Take the * Story Quiz for this week’s story. You should have received a printed copy of the quiz. 

After you finish the quiz, check your answers. The quiz answers are listed at the bottom of this page. 

Body Break

Have you drunk enough water yet today? If not, now’s the time to drink some more! 

Thematic Connection: Proposition 18

The election is next week. Has anyone voted already? 

In California, we not only vote for our representatives — we also vote on some issues directly. Do you know how you’re voting on all twelve statewide ballot measures? 

Today, let’s learn about proposition 18, or “prop 18” for short. Before we discuss whether we think it’s a good idea, let’s make sure we understand what it is. Prop 18 would allow some 17-year-olds to vote in some elections. Here are some resources to learn more about it:

Presenters: Ask participants to help read the voter guide if they are able. Before participants discuss the issue, ask participants to summarize prop 18 in their own words.

When did you first vote? Do you think you were ready to vote at that age? Would you have been ready to vote at age 17? 

Do you think 17-year-olds are old enough to vote in some elections? Why or why not? 

Thematic Connection: Who We’re With & How We Act 

On Tuesdays this month, we’ve been exploring situation-appropriate behavior. What we may say or do can vary a lot depending on situation. What are some different ways to categorize how we act? What are some examples of those categories? (For example, when we tell jokes, we’re being silly.) 

Last week, we explored the differences between public and private spaces and how those differences affect what we say or do. What’s something you remember from our discussion last week? 

Today, let’s explore how who we are with affects how we act. 

We often act differently around people depending on our relationship with them. For example, how do you usually act when you’re with your friends? Your family? CSFs? What about your case worker from the regional center? 

Presenters: Encourage participants to name their relationship with each person. For example, “my friend,” “my brother,” “my mom,” “my staff,” or “my SARC worker.” Also encourage participants to identify both categories of behavior (being silly) and specific actions (telling jokes). 

We also may act different around people because of their personalities. Some people are silly or laid-back, and other people are more serious and uptight. 

Who is someone you know who’s silly or chill? How do you act around them? 

Who is someone you know who’s serious or uptight? How do you act around them? 

Presenters: After participants answer the questions above, ask them what would happen if they acted serious around their silly friend or if they acted silly around their usually-serious staff person. 

What did we learn today?

Story Quiz Answers

  1. A: Creating a computer game. 
  2. C: They go crazy. 
  3. B: Ghost Rides 
  4. A: mosquitos 
  5. C: outsmart 
  6. A: October 25, 1934 
  7. A: When you see a bee, try to kill it right away. (Don’t do this!) 
  8. B: offering an idea 
  9. C: They wanted to use both of their initials. 

Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Check-In with everyone

This is a message from your peers about voting. Santa Cruz participants in from hope to home wanted to give their thoughts on participating in the election. Give your peers in Santa Cruz a shout out and think about what kinds of videos you'd like to make on from hope to home. 

You're going to proof read. That is a job where you read the things other people write and make sure all the spelling and punctuation is correct. Correct the mistakes on this week's 

*High Priority Vocabulary


Show & Share — What's a great Halloween costume that you've seen someone else wear?

Tomorrow's Show & Share: What's your favorite Halloween candy? What's a good amount of candy to eat?


<Body Break> Make your body happy 

Life Skills Stories 

PRESENTERS: Remember you can CLICK on the document (mouse turns into a magnifier) to enlarge the text on the page.

Discuss the questions that apply to YOUR life. Which skills do you have? Which skills would you like to practice? 

* Discussion Questions 1

* Discussion Questions 2


Thematic Connection: Bones Bones Bones!!! 

The perfect subject for Halloween! Your skeleton.

First, everyone make your skeleton dance. Whose skeleton has the best moves?

Use this Tik-Tok compilation for a beat.

Strong Bones and Weak Bones

Look at this * comparison of bones that are "POROUS" vs bones that are solid. Porous means filled with holes, like a sponge. Bones need some small holes to allow blood through but Bone disease makes those normal sized holes very big and makes bones break easily. 

BEFORE you go to the tips for prevention, you need to learn some NEW facts. Facts are things that are proven by science to be true. 

For years we have heard that milk is good for our bones because of CALCIUM, a mineral that is found in bones. But new information tells us it may not be true. 


Did you know that it is a FACT that in every country where people eat a lot of dairy calcium, there is a lot of bone disease? BUT in countries where they eat almost no milk or cheese, they  have almost no bone disease. 

This article explains that there is a scientifically shown link between eating animal products and having your bones get more porous and break more easily as you age. 

What do you think that might mean? Mark your sheet with a question mark next to the tip on calcium if this new information has made you question that advice. 

This is a great example of how science is supposed to work. When new information is found, science changes what it teaches us. That is important to do or else you will be stuck using information that is out of date. 

It will take more research to find out exactly what is going on but for now you might want to take it easy on that milk and cheese...

* tips for preventing Bone Disease

* foods to support bone health

What Did We Learn Today?

Self-Advocacy, Rights & Responsibilities

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Check-In with everyone.

High Priority Vocab-

Vocab word list from Monday.

  • again
  • could
  • her
  • their
  • which
  • your 

Presenters: The worksheet can be annotated with the typing function. Use the words above to create a sentence for each box.

 For an extra challenge, come up with a  spooky sentence to make a Halloween  story.

Does your vote count?

What is the Electoral College? Watch this Video to get an explanation. 

Do you think the Electoral College is fair?

Should each individual vote be counted for the win?  (Popular vote)

How many Electoral College votes does California get?

Look at this article to see how many Electoral College votes each state has.

We've all heard of Christmas light shows, but have you heard of Halloween light shows? Check them out 




Show & Share 

What's your favorite Halloween candy? What's a good amount of candy to eat?

Tomorrow's Show & Share is

Witches, vampires, ghosts, and ghouls! Yay or nay? What's your favorite, or: what's scariest?

<Body Break> 

Life Skills Questions/Quiz 


*Life Skills Questions/Quiz Set 1

*Life Skills Questions/Quiz Set 2

Choose one of the quizzes and go over the questions. Check your answers together at the bottom.

PRESENTERS: Remember to allow enough time between a prompt and people's response. If strong readers/writers want to complete the other quiz too, show both answer sets.

<Body Break> 

Remember the classic Movie "Hocus Pocus?"

Here is the Hit song to groove to.

"I put a spell on you"

Let's see your best dance moves!

What Did We Learn Today?

Quiz Answers:

Set 1

  1. C
  2. A
  3. C
  4. A
  5. D
  6. C

Set 2

  1. B
  2. D
  3. B
  4. A
  5. C
  6. D

Knowledge & Fun With Friends

Friday, October 2, 2020

Check-In with everyone



Don't forget Daylight Saving Time ends this weekend. Sunday night, November 1st, all the clocks get set back one  hour to standard time. 

Show & Share — Witches, vampires, ghosts, and ghouls! Yay or nay? What's your favorite, or: what's scariest?

Next week's Show & Share: World Music -- tell us about your favorite singer


Let's warm up those lungs with a dance and howl combination. Sing along everyone! Show us your spooky vogue-ing.

Werewolves of London

*Life Skills Stories Activity SheetLooking for computer files


When we name files on a computer, or folders in a real file drawer, we need to think of how we will find them again later. 

  1. How do you think your doctor or dentist organizes their patient files? 
  2. How do you think your hope program stores your information and files? Is it based on your name? The program you attend? The date you started program?
  3. If you have a filing cabinet at home, how is it organized?
  4. If you were organizing your music, books, or DVD collections, how would you organize it? 
  5. Anyone have a collection like baseball cards or comic books, sewing patterns, post cards? What is the best way to be able to find the things you collect whenever you want to see them?

OK, that's it for today's brain work. Now it's time for Halloween fun. 

Here are some spooky places you can tour

Paris Catacombs -- tunnels underneath the city of Paris where countless people have escaped and hidden. PRESENTERS: use the double arrows on the right and left of the screen to move to new locations, drag the mouse to look up, down or around

Isla de las Munecas Video tour

Island of the Dolls

PIttock Haunted Mansion

Haunted House Tour

Eastern Penitentiary

PRESENTERS: Click on a map marker and then click the google pop up map to full screen. Drag and click to move through the tour.

Disney Haunted Singalong

(video is 30 minutes+ so just use as long as you are into it_

Halloween Light Show

Best Halloween Dessert Treats


What Did We Learn Today?

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