Well-being and Social Connection 62

August 30 to September 3, 2021

Theme: My Learning

Skill Building: Digital Skills

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Monday August 30, 2021

Today happens to be...Toasted Marshmallow Day

Hope Program Updates

Thematic Media

You should have the right to technology with same level of access and user friendliness that anyone can have.

Thematic Activity

Inventory of digital skills you have.

Do the worksheet in a shared screen using annotation.

PRESENTERS DON"T FORGET to click on the magnifier to make it big enough to fill the screen

Body Break

Skills Media

Technology toolbox for independence and quality of life

Skills Information

Assistive Technology in a pandemic for people with disabilities.

*NOTE TO STAFF- we cannot activate remote control of a zoom user's device because it would ruin our hippa security compliance on the back end of our zoom account.

Skills Applied

Show us what you know how to do in Zoom.

  • Use the camera
  • Share Screen
  • Go to websites
  • Mute and unmute
  • Chat
  • Use reactions

Body Break

Fun Stuff

Technology for dogs

What did we learn today?

Sequence the day

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday August 31, 2021

Today happens to be...We Love Memoirs Day

Hope Program Updates

Thematic Media

Technology and Cities--Problem Solving

Thematic Activity

  1. What problem would you like to solve for your community? 
  2. What would the technology that can solve it do?

Body Break

Skills Media

Creative problem solving can use technology that isn't just computers

Skills Information

Brainstorm a list of problems that you are having right now in your lives.

Skills Applied

Use this worksheet to learn to think about those problems creatively. Choose one problem to do the worksheet on and dream up some technology that can solve the problem

PRESENTERS: CTRL  and the + sign will enlarge the image in most browsers

Body Break--kid stuff

Fun Stuff

CRAZY tech

What did we learn today?

Sequence the day

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday September 1, 2021

Today happens to be...Emma M Nutt Day

Hope Program Updates

Thematic Media

Tour of a technology enabled doctor's office

Thematic Activity

Would you want to wear devices that measure your health all the time?

Why or why not?

Body Break

Skills Media

Personal Health Technology Report

* at 3:35 minutes there is a clinical mention of a product that support sexual health and uses the words vibrator, arousal and orgasm. If you have PARTICIPANTS who would have a problem with this, you can skip that part (about 1 minute) or just stop the video before then. It is not necessary to avoid this topic for anyone other than a PARTICIPANT.  

Skills Information

Explolore the different types of wellness on this wheel. 

PRESENTERS: use the bulleted lists in the different areas your see when ou click on a slice of the wheel to introduce concepts of wellness to your group

Skills Applied

What health tech have you used?

what is your favorite technology at a health care provider like a doctor or eye specialist?

Do you recognize these devices?





Body Break

Fun Stuff

The healthiest habits?

What did we learn today?

Sequence the day

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday September 2, 2021

Today happens to be...Blueberry Popsicle Day

Thematic Media

Smart House for peole with differability

Thematic Activity

Modeling an Online Search

PRESENTERS: use the terms below to do a shared internet search. Describe and explain the results that you get and navigate to search results to investigate the resources you find. Help your group learn how to evaluate a web page for usability, interest and accuracy. Do additional searches on group suggestions,

  • Smart technology and disability
  • Advocating for digital access
  • Rights technology access

Body Break

Skills Media

Do you know what an P&A is?

Skills Information

Here is the website for the California P&A, Disability Right California

Scroll down and look at the 2020 annual report using the Read More link. The chapters of the report open up. Find out what this organization has been doing for you. 

Skills Applied

Open the Resources page of the website you were just looking at. Choose some of the tiles to click on to investigage resources. 

PRESENTERS: be sure to show your group HOW to use the page and describe the items you are showing

Body Break

Fun Stuff

What did we learn today?

Sequence the day

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Knowledge & Fun

Friday September 3, 2021

Today happens to be...Buunch of different stuff

Hope Program Updates

Labor Day so no program on Monday next week.

Review the Week

Movie Time

Sweet Tooth (animated - 30+ min)

Body Break


Classical music everyone should know

This is a playlist. Choose 2 or more songs to listen to. Do you recognize any of the songs? Have any of them been used in popular music? Are there any you really like?


Funny explanation about why people are confused by modern dance.

Dance Compilation

Body Break


Party appetizers

Summer Cookies


Ask where is the bathroom in 10 different languages

Moment of Gratitude

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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