Well-being and Social Connection 45

April 26-30, 2021

Theme: Getting mentally strong through movement and nutrition

Skill Building: Recognize different types of accessible movement to alleviate stress 

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Monday April 26, 2021

Today happens to be...

National Pretzel Day

Want to learn more about the history of the pretzel? Check out this quick video.

Check In (5 min)

How was your weekend? What did you do?

Introduce the Week (3 min)

Getting stronger through movement – April was movement month, so we spent a lot of time exploring ways that movement and stress management techniques help us. This week’s skill builder is learning about accessible types of

movement that you can do in your homes or in a safe (socially distanced) place in your


Show & Share (10-min)

Any special talent you have or show the group how to do something.

Tomorrow's Show & Share: Rep your favorite sports team

Portfolio Planner Activity – Start of the week (10 min)

PRESENTERS: Each week will start with reviewing portfolio planners to update tasks, appointment or other things that should be marked in their portfolio planner.

Add any appointments, habits, tasks, or goals you have for this week **Planner Pages April  25 to May 1**

Types of exercises you can do at home: 

PRESENTERS: Ask participants to brainstorm what types of exercises that that know about right now.

  1. Write their answers on a zoom white board
  2. Share different types of exercises that they may not have considered “exercise”
  3. Ask participants to identify one type of movement they would like to try in the future.

Preparing for exercise safely 

PRESENTERS: Warming up for exercise is an important part of exercising. 

Why do we need to warm our body up before we exerciser? Here are some benefits of a warm up and cool down when we exercise.

Want to focus on ways in which to prepare ourselves mentally and physically for exercise

  • Why we need to warm up our bodies for exercise (cold car getting warmed)
  • The importance of hydration before, during, and after we exercise
  • Checking surroundings and being aware

            <Body Break>

High Priority Vocabulary: Know the Definition (5 min)

PRESENTERS: Complete the High Priority Vocabulary worksheet as a team.

Complete the High Priority Vocabulary **Know the Definition**worksheet Once your finish, share your answers with the team.

               <Body Break>

Optional Level-Up:

Create a workout plan for yourself using new types of movement that you are interested in. 


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday April 27, 2021

Today happens to be...

National Tell a Story Day

Stories are important to humans for many reasons. Review why stories are an important part of our cultures and lives on National Tell a Story Day.

Check In (5 min)

Did you try any new exercise movements yesterday?

Yesterday's Recap (1 min):

We reviewed types of exercises that may have been new to you. We also discussed steps and tips to safely preparing for our exercises or movement.

Show & Share (10-min)

Represent your favorite sports team. Why are they your favorite team? What sport is it?

Tomorrow's Show & Share:  Your favorite topic to learn about.

Life Skills Story—Old Friends Are the Best Part 1 (10 min):

Read part one of the LARGE FONT life skills story pages, 1, 2 and 3.

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Or you can read here online

Discuss and share feedback as a group, what do you think about the story so far?

            <Body Break>

Community Movement (5 min)

PRESNTERS: Review way to safely exercise in the community or outdoors during Covid and remaining socially distanced.

Ways to exercise outside safely and socially distanced.

There are many ways to stay social distanced and exercise in the community. 

  • Review types of community exercise (yoga, running, walking, HIIT) 
  • Review ways in which you need to keep target of your surroundings to ensure that you safely complete movement in your communities.

Best Outdoor Workout to Mix Up Routines

Accessible Home Workouts

Life Skills Story Work Sheet: Freezing Foods Properly (5 min):             

PRESENTERS: Complete the Life Skills story worksheet as a team.

Did you know some food items have a freeze limit? Practice your food safety skills with this next activity.

Complete the Life Skills story worksheet **Freezing Foods Properly**Once your finish, share your answers with the team   

   <Body Break>

Optional Level-Up:

Take a photo of somewhere that is around you that you can exercise. This can be a park, a road, a space in your home, or your backyard!


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday April 28, 2021

Today happens to be...

National Great Poetry Reading Day

Check In (5 min):

How is your week going so far? 

Yesterday's Recap (1 min):

Yesterday we worked on the first part of our life skills story and then reviewed types of movement that we can do in our communities.

Show & Share (10 min):

What is your favorite topic to learn about? Why is this interesting? How did you first learn about this topic?

Tomorrow's Show & Share: Your favorite type of dance. Do you enjoy salsa, line dancing, or ballet? Share your favorite type of dance tomorrow!

            <Body Break>

Portfolio Planner Activity – Meal Planning: food groups (10 min):

PRESENTERS: Complete the mid-week planner activity in this week's printable. We will be researching food groups and making a small meal plan outline.

Part 1: Discuss the topic of meal planning and why it is important

  • Helps keep us on budget
  • Helps us understand exactly what we are eating
  • An indicator of foods that we may have bad reactions to
  • Allows you to try foods that you would not normally try

Create a 3 Day meal plan using food groups and your Portfolio Planner Sheet**Dinner Meal Plan**

Part 2: Update your week. Move any tasks, review anything that you need to do or appointments that you need to add, in your **Planner Pages April 25 to May 1**

High Priority Vocabulary: Rocket Launch Words

PRESENTERS: Complete the High Priority Vocabulary worksheet as a team.

Complete the High Priority Vocabulary worksheet, **Rocket Launch Words** Once your finished adding more homophone words, share your answers with the team. Remeber homophone words, are words that sound the same but are spelled different. Use the black squares to add your words.

               <Body Break>

COVID-19 Mitigation Moment: Staying Active (10 mins):

PRESENTERS: Review ways in which staying active during COVID 19 can help both mental and physcial health.

Spending a lot of time at a computer can be bad for our health and bodies. Why is movement and getting outside is important for us? It is a way to decrompress and refresh our minds and bodies.

What are some ways that you have learned about movement and our health while we are conducting virtual program?

Review the CDC's Guidelines for physical activity during COVID-19

Optional Level-Up:

Create a full week meal plan using only ingredients you have in your home. What did you come up with?


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday April 29, 2021

Today happens to be...

International Dance Day

Check In (5 min)

What are some types of dance and movement you've learned about this weeK?

Recap of Yesterday (3 min)

Yesterday we reviewed meal planning and completed a high priority vocabulary worksheet. We also discussed how movement and getting outdoors is good for us while we remain virtual.

Show & Share (10-min)

Your favorite type of dance. Do you enjoy salsa, line dancing, or ballet? Share your favorite type of dance.

Tomorrow's Show & Share: a tree you’ve seen that was interesting

Exploring Food Groups (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Review the links and types of food groups that are recognized. 

There are  many types of food groups where our food comes from. Foods impact everyone differently.

What are main food groups?

  • Show examples of one or two foods from each food group
  • What is your favorite food group to eat from?
  • What surprised you about some food groups.
  • How important is it to get foods from different food groups?

Know your food groups

How to Create a healthy Plate

            <Body Break>

Fitness Goals (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: Reveiew the narratives of individuals below. Ask particiapnts what they noticed that was similar or different about each journey. Ask participants ways in which they can set small goals for big rewards.

Man Who Lost 200lbs gives tips on losing weight

How did they decide that they wanted to make a change? Was it a health issue? What is something that they wanted to do for themselves? Were they inspired by family? Remember that everyone’s choices for fitness goals will be different and that is ok! It is up to you to decide where you want to start.

Here are examples of short-term fitness goals.

In your portfolio planner, create a short (or long, it is up to you!) term goal that you'd like to work towards. **Personal Fitness Goal**

Life Skills Work sheet - Differentiating between Relative Traits (5 mins)

PRESENTERS: Complete the Life Skills story worksheet as a team.

Complete the Life Skills story worksheet **Differntiating between Realtive Traits** worksheet. Once you finish, share your answers with the team    


 <Body Break>

Optional Level-Up 

Design a full year of fitness/health goals with a

  • 3 months check in
  • 6 months check in
  • 9 months check in


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Knowledge & Fun

Friday April 30, 2021

Today happens to be...

Arbor Day

Learn more about Arbor Day from the Arbor Day Foundation

Check In (5 min):

What are your plans this weekend? What are you looking forward to the most?

Recap of Yesterday (3 min):

We explored narratives of individuals who decided to make a health or fitness related change in their lives and then created a single fitness goal for ourselves.

Show & Share (10 min):

a tree you’ve seen that was interesting

Next week's Show & Share: Something you would use to go on an adventure

Planning our Exercise Routine(10 min):

PRESENTERS: Use the Workout Schedule Worksheet to encourage participants to share or create a workout routine.

Do you workout daily? Or are you wondering "When was the last time I worked out?!" No matter your response, it's never too late to start. Use the **Workout Schedule** sheet to create a plan that works for you. 

April Wrap Up – Portfolio Planner (10-15 min):

PRESENTERS: Use the portfolio planner print out to discuss weekly wrap up questions. 

Spending time at the end of each month helps us review the many highlights, obstacles, postive events and more! This month you have TWO sheets to help you in the review process! Use the questions below to help you get started.

  • What did you learn this month?
  • What is one stress management technique you would like to use?
  • Did you reach any goal milestones? 
  • What do you want to keep doing next month?
  • What do you want to change next month?

Part 1: Rate your week and move over any tasks, appointments, or habits check out your **Planner Pages April 25 to May 1**

Part 2: Take at look at your personal goals, how much progress did you make this month? Use the **April Round Up** to see show your progress. 

Part 3: What exercises did you try? What did you learn about stress? Use the **April Monthly Reflection** worksheet to take note of this. 

Start to review and plan for next week:

Update your Appointments. Tasks, Errands, Meetings, Goals for the week, Priorities for the week, Habit tracker.

What are you looking forward to in May?

What are your goals?

What goals did you achieve this week?

What goals would you like to work on next week?

What are habits you would like to try

               <Body Break>

Food group scavenger hunt (10-15 min):

PRESENTERS: Complete a food group scavenger hunt. Participants can use foods from inside their homes or foods they find online.

Review food groups as a team. Using the food groups, ask participants to search for a food that belongs in that food group. Share the food with the team.

Write any interesting foods in your portfolio planner food group activity worksheet.

Optional Level-Up 

Create an April timeline that has at least 3 events each week in your portfolio planner


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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